BT SmartHub 2 / Eero 6E Pro ARC Configuration not working

Roon Core Machine

NUC11PAHi3, 250GB SSD, 8GB
Roon Rock v2, build 1277.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

  1. Who is your internet service provider?

  2. Please list the make and model of your modem and router?
    BT Smarthub 2
    Eero Pro 6e

  3. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
    Unmanaged switch.

  4. Does your network have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security?

Connected Audio Devices

Roon is working perfectly. just no ARK connectivity.

Description of Issue -

What is the exact port forwarding error message you see in the Roon Settings → ARC tab?
“ipv6_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:502,“error”:“error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH fd54:3d1e:5e61:1:8eae:ddff:fe04:84f8:55002, response code: undefined, body: undefined”},
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“86.hhh.iii.jjj”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“fd54:aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd:eee:fff:ggg”,“router_external_ip”:“192.168.X.XX”},
“status”: “status”: MultipleNatFound
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“192.168.X.X”,“found_upnp”:true}

Previously I had,
BT Smarthub → unmanaged switch → NUC. (when added manual forwarding rule, it Worked Perfectly!).

I now added the eero :-
BT SmartHub → Eero → Unmanaged Switch → NUC.

It isn’t possible to place the BT smarthub in ‘bridge mode’, but Wi-fi has been switched off.

Troubleshooting so far :-
UPnP enabled on eero - toggled and rebooted.
Different ports on forwarding rules on eero.
IP6 switched off on eero network.
Many reboots of NUC & eero & BT smarthub.

Not sure how to take the BT smarthub out of the loop, Can I connect eero directly?

Any help please.

Probably caused by adding the Eero and how BT hub and Eero are configured. You have more than one NAT layer now. See here:

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@Suedkiez Thanks. However, you are not able to put the BT smarthub in ‘bridge mode’. Therefore, I’m not sure where to go, other that remove the BT smarthub from the loop.
I’ve seen some, where it is possible to connect eero via PPPoE, but not sure how this is done.

There is another option as mentioned, to create an additional port forwarding rule on the BT Hub. That seems possible because it was done and helped e.g. here:

I.e. you would set up one rule on the BT hub that forwards the ARC port from the external IP address to the local IP address of the Eero, and another rule on the Eero that forwards the same port further to the Roon Core’s local IP address

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Thanks @Suedkiez.

I didn’t realise I had to put in a port forward to the eero from the bt smart hub!.

This has done it, it looks like it’s now set up !!

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Awesome, enjoy!

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