[Bug] Genre tags duplicates v.2.0 build 1259 [Solved build 1392]

I don’t know if this issue has been raised by others, but whenever I add a bookmark that contains genre tags selected with the focus tab, the tags appear twice, in French (in my case) AND in English (when selecting the bookmark).

I am not sure if this is related to the new language update? I tried selecting only one language in the preferences, but the problem persists.

Same here. Roon FIX IT…


Added [Bug] in title. Perhaps someone on the Roon staff will take note of it. Thanks!

Could someone from the Roon staff please confirm this?

I doubt this is high on the priority list.

Apparently not.

Although I am not even asking for a fix. Maybe just some sort of acknowledgement? That would be a good start! It would also encourage people to keep up reporting bugs!

Here are some screenshots. For me, this is not a minor annoyance.

Hello @noris, since I have not heard from Roon staff in 2 weeks, I am taking the opportunity to contact you personally. Has anyone at Roon acknowledged this problem? Thank you very much.

Hi @KML ,

Thanks for the report and apologies for the slow response here. I am able to reproduce the behavior that you are describing and I have put in a ticket for the QA team to investigate this further and put in a bug report. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

Thanks, @noris.

Roon Core Machine

SGC SonicTransporter i5

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Description of Issue

I’m using an iPAD over WiFi to control ROON. Frequently when I activate the ROON client on the iPAD I see that the filters which I used on Artist and Album views are doubled. For example, I filter Artist by “Jazz” genre and leave ROON. Then I activate ROON after a while and Artist view shows “Jazz” filter twice.

Interesting, I can reproduce this on my macOS, iPad, and Android phone.
ROCK with Build 1321 Early Access
macOS Build 1321 Early Access
iPad and phone Build 1310 Early Access

To be clear, you mean “Focus” not filter. I took the liberty to edit the topic title to correctly reflect this.

Steps to reproduce, this happens every time for me:

  1. My Albums > Focus > choose a genre
  2. Quit the app. (On iOS and Android by using the app switcher and swiping it away. On macOS simply quit Roon from the Mac menubar as usual)
  3. Restart Roon
    → The genre focus is shown twice

Seems to only happen with genres, at least I couldn’t make it happen with other criteria like release year or performer.

On iOS/Android I couldn’t make it happen without force exiting Roon and only leaving it in the background. But maybe I just didn’t wait long enough for the OS to fully unload it.

Indeed Focus, not Filter, Thx !

I have had this same issue for months now. Not a big deal, but something is not working right…

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Roon Core Machine

NUC 10th Gen i5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ubiquiti Unifi Dream Machine

Connected Audio Devices

Mostly RPi’s vis USB. Also Chromecast, Sonos.

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

I’m using focus to sort by genre. If I select, say, jazz and RnB all fine. Next time I use it there are two jazz buttons and two RnB buttons. Saving as a Bookmark does the same; deleting one of each duplicate doesn’t change the count; deleting both matching filters does change the count. Appears to be a bug. Very easy to replicate.

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This has been going on for awhile. :frowning:

@Saturn94 , thanks very much for the reply. I have other Bookmarked filters that don’t do this. It’s a cosmetic issue, so not critical, but I didn’t know it was a known bug. Cheers.

Looks somewhat similar to here

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Confirmed that this doubling has been happening for some time, as I use bookmarks extensively to conveniently focus by genre.

Another way to reproduce:

  1. Focus by genre
  2. Create bookmark
  3. Select bookmark: genre will now be doubled
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One way that doubling does NOT occur is as follows:

  1. Search for an extant genre
  2. Scroll down to “Albums in your library” and select “MORE”
  3. The resulting focus of the genre isn’t doubled

However, if you bookmark the focus, as my prior post, the genre will be doubled.