A firmware update just popped up, it’s different between v1 and v 2
Chromecast is introduced on V2 only , ah well …
Same bug fixes between the 2, obviously hardware is different to support Chromecast, not worth upgrading to get Chromecast,.
A firmware update just popped up, it’s different between v1 and v 2
Chromecast is introduced on V2 only , ah well …
Same bug fixes between the 2, obviously hardware is different to support Chromecast, not worth upgrading to get Chromecast,.
I have just got it up and running on my CXN v2. Audio is working well, though the display doesn’t show any metadata, only noting it is ROON, and there is no indication of the format.
Hopefully there is the cabablility in the Chromecast audio stream to add this in at a later point! Baby steps.
Just to add to the last post- I have played about with other apps, and Tidal streams artist and album data, along with the album image. There is still no format data displayed.
Did it show up in Chromecast section of Audio settings in Roon
Ie as Roon Ready
My v1 doesn’t
Did you get a firmware upgrade for the 851N ?
It updated CA connect as well as the CXN
NO bought it direct
On the v2, it showed up under tidal as an input, though you had to then go to the web address given on the screen to agree to the chromecast T&Cs, prior to it working. After that it has been good to go, and has shown up in the audio sidebar of preferences as a chrome device, as well as an airplay device. There is now an explanatory note on the Cambridge website too.
I suspect the lack of metadata is probably on roon side, as previously they only had to support the chromecast audio. (though this is entirely supposition on my part!)
Pretty happy to get it working. Sounds good, though it could just be the "new toy day’ phenomenon!
hi Justin_Graham,
Thanks for sharing. Did you try playing DSD and did Roon downgrade the quality streaming to your CXN v2 via Chromecast?
What’s your impression after a month? Is it stable? Still no album arts and no meta data? Are the transport keys on the remote working? Thanks for feedback!
The CXN only shows album art by USB ext drive or Ethernet direct via DLNA , hence not RAAT
Any digital inputs don’t show , just a text message.
Mine is the V1 but I think it’s the same for V2
Sound quality is great but via Roon you are really only using it as a DAC , a good DAC albeit . All the streamer functions are by passed , hence the digital input comment
I use the CA 851N ,no artwork but by using the SOTM S200 i can play my high res files.None of the CA firmware updates allowed this which i thought might
I have been using Roon via chromecast on the CXN V2 for a while now, and it has been very good and free of issues. I have found out that unlike using the Chromecast audio through your USB input, which can cast 24/96, internal Chromecast such as in the CXN V2 is limited to 24/48. I still do not get any metadata or images, but am able to use the remote control to pause, FF/RW, etc. The lack of metadata and images is a Roon-CXN V2 thing, as when I cast from Tidal on my phone, I get this information. It would be nice to be able to do higher res stuff, but for now, I will have to wait. As an aside, the radio on the V2 is sensational, with access to MP3 320 on lots of stations- the sound quality overall has impressed more than streaming from Roon itself.
If you are stuck with 16/48 or just CD quaility then you can stream from Roon via AirPlay and get album art too
I used a RPi USB but that limits to USB 1 due to some Linux funnies, that gives 24/96 but no images
If you search CXN there is a big thread a while back
I can’t copy the link but it’s the one with CXN/DSD in the title
It goes through all the options
I currently don’t even use mine because of Roon, I run a separate DLNA server for video and use that via JRiver
To be honest, I changed the audio output on ROON to chromecast, and haven’t bothered to go back. I figure that as I am volume leveling in the software, and can end up with a 24/48 signal coming from ROON, I might as well leave it like that. It is a shame that the few hi res files I have can’t be streamed as is, but the convenience of not having an intermediate step to the CXN is taking precedence for the moment.
As to the metadata and images, I was responding to Gianni above. I am interested that it clearly can be cast to the device, as per Tidal, but is not yet done in ROON.
I saw this on the Cambridge Audio site as I am looking for a few ‘one box’ speakers for bedrooms /secondary rooms.
Not entirely sure what ‘Roon capable’ means - but they don’t specifically mention Chromecast.
Pretty poor marketing if these speakers don’t actually support RAAT.
Seems like CA want to ‘engineer’, or give the impression of Roon integration, without doing the damn work!
Hi Mike
Can you confirm how you know the CXN (V2) supports up to 96kHz via Chromecast Built-in?
Does Roon’s signal path show 96kHz? Or something on the CXN V2 shows incoming sample rate of 96kHz?
Could you include a pic which shows (or signal path screenshot).
I don’t !
That was off the CA site advertising the recent firmware update
Mine is the V1 so does not have the Chromecast support
@Justin_Graham above had the V2 may be a better source of info
I tend to use RPi Allo Digione for Roon and the CXN for JRiver, best of both worlds
Hi @Justin_Graham or anyone else with a CXN V2
Does the CXN (V2) support up to 96kHz via Chromecast Built-in?
Does Roon’s signal path show 96kHz? Or something on the CXN V2 shows incoming sample rate of 96kHz?
Could you include a pic which shows (or Roon signal path screenshot) with playing PCM96kHz.
Hi Sean,
As of the last time I looked, the inbuilt CXN V2 was limited to 48kHz. I believe that only the chromecast audio was working at 96kHz, whereas all the others in the chromecast family were limited to 48kHz. This may change, as I think it is software limited, but it certainly wasn’t casting 96kHz recently.