Camel - Air Born can be identified, but details are not correct

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Camel - Air Born: The MCA & Decca years 1973 - 1984

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?

It can be identified, there are 2 entries:

  • first entry: 24 cds are correct, disc 25 is missing and from disc 26 onwards it is a bit of a mess
    -second entry: cds 1 thru 27 are all OK; blurays with new stereo and 5.1 mixes are just listing the albums, not the tracks

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings



Description of the issue

It can be identified, there are 2 entries:

  • first entry: 24 cds are correct, disc 25 is missing and from disc 26 onwards it is a bit of a mess
    -second entry: cds 1 thru 27 are all OK; blurays with new stereo and 5.1 mixes are just listing the albums, not the tracks

see above screen shots for details

First off I would check your metatdata, durations and track ordering follows whats in Roons Metadata services as if not then it wont match it all. You can check with the links these below. Ensure each disc has the correct discnumber to match these.

Checked my meta data, I think I have the data all correct.

Looking at data at Music Brainz: disc 25 is missing
Looking at AllMusic: for discs 28 and 29: they just mention the album names on the albums, not the tracks that the albums consist of

This is also what I see in Roon

That will be why then as it’s incomplete on both sources. You should be able to just ignore the differences and use it and it will use your versions where it doesn’t match.

I checked again. I now see that discs 26 through 33 should be discs 25 through 32. I do not know how to adapt that in MusicBrainz

Whoever added this album messed up as they have mislabled the CD numbers as it goes 24 to 26 and 25 doesnt exist, they have labelled them all wrong after 24. This needs editing to be fixed. If you sign up you can add notes to releases for them to fix. I imagine this isnt helping it match up.

@joel can you also give a nudge not sure if this is the whole issue but I imagine it cany help. I left some notes on some of the edit to those albums, but whether they action it is up in the air.

Yeah, it doesn’t appear editable, which is frustrating given the effort put into this release. I’ve pinged our contact at MusicBrainz.


They’ve already fixed (there was actually a non-obvious way to edit this on their website) and the change is committed. Hopefully this will be fixed on our servers tomorrow.

The disc numbering is now correct on our servers.

Thanks for the great service!

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