Can anyone help with my horror-show [SOtM SM200]

Ok so I have performed a clean up on aisle 5 here, let’s try and keep it civil people please.
Thank you

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Well thank you that was not at all cordial. Roon is now leading me in circles. Re-hooked up NUC and is now showing as an available ( I think) Core but you can only do one Core per subscription which is fine,beyond done with the SOtM but I have tried over 6 times and it keeps on leading me back to subscription over and over, Can’t get past the subscriptin bit and can’t access NUC roon rock core

Just to clarify, once I do whateve in login, it leads me back to the Roon Rock Core, and the installed antipodes Core. I hit the connect button on the Roon Rock NUC core, and then over and over more authourizations which takes me bact to subscriptions. "Wash RInse, Repeat " I’m sure you all get it. I’m trying to hold onto some sanity and sense of humor

Click on unauthorize whatever core and then connect to Roon NUC core.

It sounds like at the moment Roon knows you are logged into the Antipodes Core and until you actually deauthorize Roon from that Core it will not let you use another Core ( unless you bought another subscription)
So you need to deauthorize the Antipodes Core first.
Like this by hitting disconnect

I’ll try and do it if I can even get back on Roon because of very weak and shaky Anripodes HULK SMASH!!! (sorry)

No disconnect button is showing have logged in at least 2 dozen times stuck again on login, can’t behind that can not clear the screen, I’ve spen hours at this just today, cno didconnect constant log in and subscriptions. Drr’s visit right now done with this for a while. Pretty much disguted with Roon after 6 years. It’s going ot force me back to antipodes. Any other ideas anybody gotta look at all posts when I get back

You have to be logged into your existing Core.
Then via one Remote or another go to settings: general to see the screen I posted.

Upper right corner…

Hi, yeah, did all of that hit disconnect and found SMSL named it an presto, this is what I ended up with, see shot. I keep on getting this, I won’t say it. see if you can intrerpret it

Did you try disconnecting from this core and connecting to your NUC core or is this your NUC core? Cursor down and see what it shows for Audio devices available.

The sMS-200 should surface below the view you are showing there,
under a section called “Roon Ready”.

But i stand behind my first post, go to your sMS-200 configuration page, on:
Check it’s version, under System setup:

This will show you this:

Then cancel out and check your Roon Setup (which of course should be the selected working mode):

The cogs will take you here:

You DAC should be showing and it’s settings correct.

Now, you are ready to set the combination up in Roon! :slight_smile:

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Well, this makes sense since I’m still using the SOtM SMS 200 streamer to run the system I will ren the update this afternoon One of these days I will get the NUC up and running to have a 2nd core. It does have 4 USB ports as well a s HDMI

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I looked over what you wrote regarding a download ain’t no SD slot on the SOtM, and if there was, performng this operation is way beyond my ken as weoo as paygrade The SMSL is showing and was doing it’s little up and down thing but I can’t attach it to the streamer. It’s showing too many cores as well as 9 ALSA’s (??) I think I’m gonna be done with this Roon Rodeo after 7 years. To me, it’s a mess. There’s other competition, fed up with fix-it-by-forum. No company support (except to take your $) They are a small fry in this business

Roon can be a little complicated at times. It’s not for everyone.

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Well, ken as in knowing, gotta keep a snese of humor. Hard at times. All in on the NUC cause Roon ain’t gonn agive me 500.00. Have a friendwith 30+ years of computers helpig via anydesk. Need some luck, snake eyes too many times!

Well, don’t blame it on your age. I’m 75 and never have any significant issues. Right now, my only issue is Roon ARC is reliable about 50 percent of the time.

Well, maybe or maybe not that used computers a great deal to earn your $$, (not me, despise 'em) Age, well, as I said maybe your dice roll came out good, and that’s good, (lotsa dead friends,) health issues too. Gotta figure this out , no other music source. You can get some very good DAP’s, I think you have one, ARC well…

No DAP’s here. Most friends are gone. I have NHL. Not a computer person, but somehow it just works for me with few issues. Maybe because my systems are simple.

Sorry to hear that, my brother died at 28 from Hodgkins. I think swapping health issue war stories, well, here I am doing it, not cool. 3 metal support joints, really bad neuropathies in legs from 12-15 cellulits , lots more. We just tik off one by one, do hope you have somebody left
My system is very simple. Systems? What do you have, just to be nosy