Can I rate single songs and add comments to albums?

I am adding lots of ripped CD’s in Roon right now. At the same time I take a quick listen to the songs. I would like to rate single songs, and add my own comments to each and every album. Can that be done?

Finally I am wondering if it’s possible to focus in ”my albums” to my ratings every **** album. I can see that it’s possible to do with albums ”editorial rated”, but how about my own rating?

  1. Sadly no, you cant even edit an album review or rate songs by stars rating system (like iTunes)

Actually you can rate individual tracks by a star system using tags. I have four tags named :guitar:, :guitar::guitar:, :guitar::guitar::guitar:, and :guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar:. You can then use focus to only play tracks that are tagged appropriately.


Oh that’s a great idea, thanks for replying!