Yes You can stream the 24 bit file Tidal file using Roon to a non-MQA DAC. You will not get any of the MQA decoding of course but there is still an improvement in many cases over the same 16 bit non-MQA file.
This is not well documented in marketing materials.
Tidal MQA music is 24-bit before any MQA decoding takes place. Some Tidal clients / devices including Roon, Lumin, Esoteric N-05, and TEAC NR-7CD, etc. can get 24-bit streams from Tidal even before they achieve MQA certification. To the best of my knowledge, some popular Tidal client software (not referring to Tidal official apps), and some devices such as Linn, is not getting the 24-bit version and they get the 16-bit version only at the time of this post, even if the user chooses a Tidal Masters album to stream.
Well, to get the MQA file you need to go to settings / streaming and enable HIFI/Master, which requires that you have the CD quality subscription level. And then you need to play an MQA file, not all files are 24 bit, just some of them.