Can no longer remove a track from a playlist

Not sure when I was no longer able to remove a track from a playlist I’ve created. I love how easy it has been to create playlists and use to explore new music on the Roon with Qobuz service. Playlists no longer have “ the remove from playlist option”. Appreciate any help from my music loving friends

I use Tidal not Qobuz but I suspect the functionality is the same.
I can’t remove tracks from a Tidal playlist from within Roon.
I need to do this in Tidal and the playlist will update in Roon.
I can’t add tracks to a Tidal playlist directly from Roon either.

However you can make a local copy of those playlists which can then be edited in Roon.
Keep in mind you’d be editing the local playlists.
Those on the streaming service will be unchanged.

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Thanks Jeff

I make these playlists while in Roon and not Qobuz. I did go to my Qobuz account and did remove 1 track but it still remains in my Roon playlist. Not sure when or if this will be reflected in Roon

It can take some time before changes from streaming services are pushed to Roon.
Sometimes you can force it by manually syncing or by restarting your core.