Can we chat about the menu?

While the menu is in flux (see Early Access post to show screen shot), it might be good to talk about the Menu. I will comment on the new menu, but my comment applies to existing too.

  • There is this odd over-emphasis on whether things relate to me (“My…”) vs not. Sticking to this is causing odd UX decisions. Tags are really My Tags. History is really My History, so they are arguably in the wrong spot
  • the BROWSE heading should easily apply to Albums, Artists, Tracks etc. Further on that point, Browse is a verb and My Library is a noun. I am glad to get rid of “My Stuff”

This is a challenging User Experience/User Interface topic. Trying to work for Album and Artist orientation vs. Playlist orientation, working for Classical too. Working for seasoned Roonies and newcomers alike.

While full customization might be too much to ask for (can we have that please?), as a minimum first step we should have the ability to simply toggle on and off menu choices. If you don’t use Tags, hide it. If you don’t use My Live Radio, hide it. Etc. And then DO add Bookmarks which should have equal footing with Tags being a menu item.

I have other suggestions such as pinable menu items and menu auto hiding, but the purpose of this post is a more general discussion of what do people want or not want from a Roon menu?


I agree with you but I think Rob is really asking for us to arrange the deck chairs not them. I am for it that I don’t use half of what’s there and the home pages are for me a waste of real estate. Some level of customisation would bring the app to a higher level if you ask me. But with their current method of how gui is rendered and created not sure it’s possible. They need to change what they have done to accommodate this new playlist thing as it’s not pretty if you ask me, something else I won’t use.

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I am more for the ability to select and arrange the home page, more so than the menu.


I would like the Home page or Discover to be configurable too. The reason the menu is top of mind is they are actively making changes – they surely have design comps around a (virtual) conference room, maybe even did test runs of different menus. They are in that code for the coming release.

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Losing the huge amount of space for the twee hello to myself and the useless stats at the top of the home page would be a beginning. For example imagine if Lightroom used up a third of their screen space to say "hello?’ It would make for a pretty damn frustrating user experience.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 6.49.17 PM


I have provided some feedback on Playlists as part of this latest build here Roon 2.0 Build 1373 and ARC Build 237 Issues - #33 by simon_pepper which suggests the ability to not only collapse Playlists by source (Roon, Import, Tidal/Qobuz) but also reorder these.
I imagine the next logical steps is allowing the user to tag Playlists as Favourites, and have these in a separate orderable folder.

Overall I prefer the display-all then filter/focus approach with the option of creating bookmarks for preset filters.
This need to be adopted for the current Playlist view also.

Apart of that, I am happy with the level of generic ability for say Internet Radio, verses personalised selection under “My Radio”

Same for My Albums, My Tracks as I am managing My Music Library.

Let’s hope “My Playlists” is also a view

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