Can we talk about the whole Overview/Discography thing?

Honestly, I really don’t know what’s going on. That screen shot was from today. It clearly did not have a library tag on the album itself in that view. But when I flipped the ‘show library’ icon back and forth it either showed the icon or it didn’t.
There are four versions of this album. Two are 12 tracks, one 16 and one 24 bit. There are also two ‘Versions’ (as shown in the version tab) that have 17 tracks. The Bonus album you see in the shot is the 24 bit, 17 track album. I had three of the four versions. I added the last one just after I posted.
Now, when I came back the library icon is on the album, but the 12 track album. And it stays there whether I flip the “Library” icon switch or not. I removed each of the 16 bit albums, but I still have the library icon regardless.
So I don’t have a clue what is going on here.
The other thing that is just bad about all of this is the only way I can tell what’s actually in my library is to go to the albums page to view them. When I go the the versions page it shows this:

It’s telling me I have one library copy. Not two. There is no way to know that the other album in my library is the 24 bit, 17 track album, other than the clue that the two 16 bit version have a plus sign next to them.
As I said, this makes me crazy. I would qualify as a Roon fanboy by most standards, but I don’t understand this at all.

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