Can't add music storage folder while using ROCK

Hi there, I’m new Rooner and I use laptop as Roon server while storage my music on Synology NAS. I setup ROCK on a HP Mini desktop PC recently. but when I shift ROON server from laptop to the new ROCK, I can’t add music storage folder.

the add folder tag is blank

I try to input network share location, but pop up “unexpected Error”. I tried both \king_420plus\hifi format and smb://king_420plus/hifi, resulted the same error.

can anybody help on this? thanks

Hello @Richard_Z and welcome to the forum.

as there are usually no folders to display here on a fresh ROCK install.

Using a host-name requires a working name resolution though. I don’t think that ROCK supports netbios (anymore?). If it works may also depend on how your NAS is setup in this regard (for smb sharing). You can try and force mDNS name resolution by adding the .local domain to the host name or replace the hostname by its IP-Address to avoid the name resolution completely.
AFAIK is the use of smb v1 no longer possible and therefore you have to supply a valid username and password. You can try with guest/guest or anonymous/anonymous for anonymous access to public shares, maybe it works for you (check the settings on your NAS and consult your NAS’s documentation/help resources if in doubt). See also:

More Roon documentation can be found at:

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your reply. I checked NAS setting again and found I forgot to grant access permission to ROCK!what a shame but I’m happy that the problem is resolved!

happy listening!

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