Cant figure out how to upload a file to my roon core over the network

I feel like I must be missing something simple…but I can’t figure out how to upload a file to my Roon Core’s local storage over the network.

Roon Core is running on a Mac in a server room. Roon Core is just using local disk storage (~/Music) on that Mac.
I am on another machine, my laptop, with a new audio file I just got.
Both machines are on the same wifi subnet.
I want to get that audio file over the network into the local storage of the Roon Core.

How do I do this?

I saw something about hitting smb://rock but there seemed to be no SMB share of that name on the network.

There won’t be; this is used when you are running the Roon operating system on an Intel NUC computer.

You are running MacOS, so you need to share the Music folder over the network on the Mac acting as the Roon Server. Then it can be accessed by your second Mac.

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On the core Mac, open settings and find Sharing. Check the file sharing box. While there, you can also chose Screen Sharing if you want to VNC to the core Mac from the other Mac. Then from Finder in the other Mac, you can press CMD+K to open the connect to server dialog.

So just use the Mac-native file sharing? The Roon Core server itself doesn’t provide any way to accept the files?

RoonServer depends upon the file sharing option(s) of the host Operating System.