Cant find stream service in legacy Roon version 1.8

I need to use legacy 1.8 version roon for my DAC & MAC. But KKBOX is not shown in steam option in system setting.
Could you support KKBOX service for legacy version users?

There is generally no new development of features for 1.8 (this would be a lot of additional work for what is probably a small number of users). Obviously I don’t know whether Roon wants to add KKBOX, but the chance may be small

@Chien-Ping_Lu, welcome to the Community. Another user here, but KKBOX requires Roon 2.0 as @Suedkiez notes. While I can’t speak for Roon, it appears Roon 1.8 is in maintenance mode and is not expected to have any new features developed for it.

If you need KKBOX integrated into Roon, you will need to update to Roon 2.0 at some point.