Can't locate "Enable MQA core decoder"


The instructions for setting up MQA encoded content in Roon 1.8 (Build 987) see below:

“If you’d like Roon to unfold your MQA encoded content, you’ll need to visit Settings => Audio => Gear Icon for your device => Show Advanced => Enable MQA core decoder.”

Do not correspond to what I see when I click on the Gear Icon of my device. I don’t see anything that says “Show Advanced”.

Where would I find this / why am I not getting this?


There are no advanced options available for your device? You have to scroll down to see Show advanced (Show advanced is usually the last entry at the bottom)?

What device?
Post screenshots of what you see.

Yes, it was off my screen and I didn’t know there was more below.

The lack of scrollbars in many screens is a pain. I reported that in the past. If content is completely invisible and not cut off, it’s impossible to see that there is more

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I have a similar issue, I cannot locate the Enable MQA core decoder. Roon was unwrapping Tidal MQA and sending to the Aries G2. The Chord was showing increased sampling rates by the colour change. Just stopped working, from my screen grab you can see advanced but why you try to select the menu doesnt open so I cannot check or enable the core decoder. Any ideas or suggestions? Running all the updates.

I don’t know if you got a reply to this but I found the extra advanced items using my IOS app. Could not find on my iMac

Have the same problem with my Holo Audio Cyan DAC playing MQA content from TIDAL through Roon. Can’t eneble MQA core decoder for this DAC. But when I put another DAC, in this case Maratntz HD-DAC1, into the same group together with Cyan then it enables somehow in the background the MQA core decoder also for Cyan. Can’t understand how and why? But a a group both DACs are playing MQA content in 88.2 or 96 kHz which is what I’m expecting. As soon as I take the Marantz DAC out out this group Cyan immediately falls to 44.1 or 48 kHz playing the same MQA content. I suppose it is disabling the MQA core decoder. But why?
I’d be glad when somebody from Roon labs can explain that and fix it if it’s a bug in Roon. I’m using run on WIndows 7 notebook. I also can’t see any advanced option under “Show advanced”. Neither for HoloAudio Cyan nor for Maratntz HD-Dac1.

Click on the show advance text

Then scroll down further

And then