Can't open any links in Roon app on Linux (Wine)

Description of Issue

Seems like I can’t open any of the links in the app. The biggest issue with this is that I can’t connect to Tidal. When I click on login nothing happens even if I wait for a while, and if I click on the click here link, nothing happens.
I’ve checked the forum and the net, but I seem to be the only one having this issue.

Hi @anon73854440 and welcome to the forum.

How about telling people something about your system so that they have a starting point in trying to help you? For example: What distribution do you use, what desktop environment, which web browser is installed, how did you setup Wine and Roon?

You may not have the default browser set in Wine. The following may help.

I’ve already thought of this, but I’ll try again!

I’m using Ubuntu 23.04, GNOME and firefox.

I’ve installed Roon trough wine-staging since Roon was crashing after a while on regular wine.

Another thought … are you using the Firefox Snap? I use the DEB version, and links open just fine. Furthermore, I’m running Ubuntu 23.04, GNOME, and Firefox, too.

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I was using firefox snap indeed, and now I tried brave flatpak and edge .deb and neither worked. It probably has something to do with my wine config.

How did you install Roon trough Wine?

I found a workaround. I’ve installed Roon trough Bottles again, and logged in there. Opening links seems to work fine there. Then I came back to my other Roon installation (one in which I sued wine-staging), and I was logged in there as well. I guess they use the same config files?

Roon has been crashing on Bottles after a few minutes, so that’s why I moved to wine-staging in the first place.

You need to run wine-staging for stability (or wine-ge-proton8-8 with Bottles.)

Nonetheless, I suspect the issue isn’t Wine, but the default browser. With Snap and Flatpak, the application is sandboxed and default browser behaviour doesn’t work correctly. As a test, do sudo snap remove firefox && sudo apt install firefox. Then set Firefox as the default browser in Firefox preferences.

To install Roon I used @spockfish’s script.

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