Cát Bui Cuôc DOI album is presented as a Donald Fagan title

Content you’re reporting an issue with

I just updated to 1.8 (build 806). I saw that you stated that daily mixes has been updated. Mine showed Vietnamese music attributed to Donald Fagen. I have no Vietnamese music but a lot by Donald Fagen.
Not sure what happened here? Maybe it’s an issue with Qobuz? I’ve outlined the album in red in the attached screenshot.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

I’m using Qobuz

Please share a screenshot of your import settings in Settings > Library.

Description of the issue

Hey @Thomas_Prossima1,

Thanks so much for letting us know right away of what you’re seeing.

The screen you’ve shared is actually New Releases for you, not Daily Mixes. It is expected for the albums under New Releases for you not to be in your library. These are albums newly released by Qobuz and featured under this section.

The Daily Mixes are lower on the same Home view. Also, the Daily Mixes do not necessarily contain music already in your library. Starting from an artist in your library, a playlist is generated with other artists as well. Please, find the quote below from our release notes:

Each playlist is themed on an artist from your listening history and includes 25 picks from artists you love and some you have yet to discover.

Hello @Thomas_Prossima1

Thank you for bringing this to out attention. It appears that this album is listed as a Donald Fagen album across many streaming services; Tidal, Qobuz, and many more.

We’re looking into this and hope to know the origin of this error soon.

Apple Music the same lol. The Artists on that cd is Ngo Quang Vinh.