I downloaded from HDTracks the 24/96 new album For One to Love, and it’s in a watched folder on an attached drive (27 in iMac, OS 10.10.5) . The album shows up in my Roon Library, but no track metadata show up on the Play Album window, and when I play any track or the whole album, no progress bar shows up at the bottom of the Roon window. I can see the track metadata when i view Track Info>File Tags, but they are not displaying at all in the Play Album window. I removed and reloaded the album folder to no avail.
I had the same issue with the album downloaded from Quobuz.
Room just would not show track listing. I got around it by going in to edit in Roon for the album and changing the tag preference to using my file tags instead of Roon…
Thanks, that did the trick!
I have the same issue for the album when loaded from Tidal - no track listings, but I can play the album, cannot figure out a manner to resolve.
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.