Censor? Puddy Tat Dues

why does Roon censor the word “pussy” in the above title? it’s clearly visible on the album cover.

Hi @woodford,

The title here is coming directly from Qobuz. If you check the Qobuz app you will see the same title. The best solution is to reach out to Qobuz directly and request a change.


censored in Roon/Tidal as well. i think it’s coming from Rovi.

Hi @woodford,
Yes, the TIDAL version does also do this. The TIDAL and Qobuz titles seen in Roon are coming straight from TIDAL/Qobuz — The Rovi version can be seen here and is not censored:

does the data you get fro Rovi mirror exactly what’s displayed on allmusic?

Hi @woodford,

In this case, yes. I checked our the metadata we have from our providers and, when the album is not coming from TIDAL/Qobuz, the title would display as you see it in the AllMusic link.

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