Censorship about off-topic things

The forum members who are posting in the thread aren’t exhibiting any behavior I find to be concerning. No one has promoted or glorified gun violence.

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I don’t put cars and guns in the same category. You could argue that talk about expensive audio gear is inappropriate during a pandemic due to hardship. But there is a line somewhere. For me, guns are beyond it.


And you have made your point, @Marian.

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I’m not sure how I should take this. I am responding to replies.

The irony of your point on expensive audio gear was one that sprang to mind at the time. Oh, the irony.

Like I said, you never know what will set people off. One persons meh is another persons trigger (pun intended).

That was me.

In the UK, we thankfully have very little gun crime, but do suffer from gangs and knife fights. Claiming to be a “knife guy” is a strange term that immediately throws up a bad image for me.

I’d rather we didn’t have either as a topic.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well @ElTel. Point taken.

Understood, @BrianW - knife violence is an issue in your part of the world. Violence is abhorrent, we can, and do, all agree on that.

Let’s leave off here, please.

I was just about to reply to @Paulb 's post - where did it go? Surely he didn’t get censored in a discussion about censorship? :wink:


But it was censored and is gone.

Gentlemen, please take a look at the Community Guidelines

Some of the conduct in this thread is decidedly in violation.

@DaveN @Uwe_Albrecht

The member you are referring to chose to post content that was previously removed and that he was advised not to repost. It goes without saying that action was deserved, and taken.

Cars kill the same number of people as guns every year in the US*. (And both should be much better regulated), but it doesn’t bother people to talk about cars…

*38,680 in 2020


Car deaths are mostly accidental, but most deaths by gun (homicide or suicide) aren’t…

The point of a car is to go from one place to another. The point of a gun is to kill.

Your supposed point is specious.


Now that we have a gun debate on Roon, should I start threads on abortion and climate change?


@xxx beat me to it. Only 1% of gun deaths are accidental, which could explain why people are more uncomfortable discussing weapons than cars.

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If your kid is dead, your kid is dead.

Knowing that automobiles are involved in 38k deaths per year, yet driving one anyway is different from owning a gun?

You are much more likely to be killed by a car than a gun, because your exposure to car situations is far greater than your exposure to gun situations.

Intent doesn’t matter at all in the end.

I’m very pro gun-control. I’ve trained police and civilians in gun handling and competition, and I’ve been horrified by the idiocy and the attitudes.
On the other hand, I’ve driven all over the US, and have been horrified by the idiocy and the attitudes.

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Could you elaborate on this one? I’m sure you don’t mean that whenever someone dies it’s pointless to seek justice because you can’t bring them back.

No, of course not. I’m just pointing out that there are a lot of things that we do that are stupid and deadly, and pretending that they are somehow different when the outcomes are the same is weird.

(I never said anything about seeking justice, or remedies)

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