Change the Roon`s database path


I have a dedicated disk to the roons database path.
Is it a way to change the path of the roon database?

Running windows server and roon core. I saw the linux version the path stays on /var/ but on windows I didnt find a way to do it.

BR Issac


Unfortunately Roon does not support this on Windows.

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OK thankyou.

Is it not possible to stop Roon Core/Server move the folders to the target directory and use a symbolic link pointing to the default path?

I was thinking in this, including creating a new partition in the Roons Folder, but I post this message here first to understand if theres a official way (not workarounds).

I’ve never used symbolic links on a Windows OS, but I’m almost certain it would work under Linux, so make a backup and give it a go - it’s an OS layer filesystem thing, can’t see why it shouldn’t work.