So this week I bought a new rpi4 to use for rooExtend (awesome product by the way) and, after some troubleshooting (multiple reflashes, changed SD cards, etc.) I discovered the wifi didn’t work. I had activated RooAIDJ and RooMax (lifetime) licenses while connected with wired networking and it was working properly with the wired connection.
I have just switched out the defective RPi4 with a new one (this one with working wifi!) but restoring the licenses from the USB or re-adding the keys in the license manager doesn’t seem to work. looking at the system log, I see:
Aug 16 19:22:35 rooExtend rooExtend[1200]: “text”: “This license key has already been used and cannot be used again.”
How can I move my license from the old non-working pi to the new one?
For what it’s worth, I’ve tried putting the original microsd card back in the original Pi and it doesn’t show any licenses for which I could revoke should that option actually exist within roon extension manager.