Changing username on the forum

Name change done.
You can access your own displayed name under your profile.
There you could change your actual name to whatever you like as long as it complies with forum rules.

Thank you and thanks again for the additional information. My user name (and “catch phrase”) now appear as I want them to.

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Could you please change my user name to AlexderK ?

Done and enjoy!

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Hello. Could someone please change my user name to Eminent One?


That’s now done for you, however, spaces are not allowed so I substituted with an “_”.

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Hello, can someone change my username to KelFab ? Thanks.

There you are, @KelFab !

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Please change my username to @CR1

I’m afraid that @ in a username is not allowed.
Can you choose something different please.
Thank you

Ok then CR1 as my username would be fine or CR any number.

@CR1: CR1 it is!

Not sure if we ever settled this but ChrisD would work or Chris54 if not settled. Thx

@Chris54 it is then.

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and another rename request: would you change me to hans3d please?

And maybe it is possible to make this user editable with a time limit, like editable once a year or so to avoid chaos… just an idea :wink:

thanks !

You are all set @Hans3d

Hi, can you please change my username to: Liinus ? Thanks!

I @Linus,
That’s now done for you … though I omitted the extra “i” so it aligns with your existing name. If that was wrong let me know and I’ll adjust for you.

can you please change my user name to wormcycle. As I am planning to post more here I want my user name to be in sync with other forums. Not sure why it is impossible to do it myself, but it could be a good reason. In ant case
thanks in advance

@wormcycle, that’s now done for you.