Chord Mojo2 Poly 2 DSP Volume/Mojo2 Volume

I am running DSP volume from Roon to my Poly/Mojo2 in order to use a bluetooth volume remote. The volume balls on my Mojo2 still work, which I assume means I have 2 volumes in the signal path, one of which, the Mojo 2 has no way of being bypassed? Assuming I only want to actually change the volume on the Roon using the DSP, what would be the optimal volume level to leave my Mojo 2/Poly at for sonics? Would having the Mojo2/Poly volume at 100% have any sonic difference over say 80%?

In general, it’s possible for the internal gain of the DAC to make a difference in SQ. Some DACs tend to clip full-scale signals at 100% gain, which is visible in measurements. I guess the best bet would be to set it to 80-90%, but I don’t have the Mojo, so it’s possible it works best at 100%. Also, since you’d be using DSP volume, you might as well use headroom adjustment, which is a more robust way to prevent clipping.

This may help

The Mojo 2 was set to 4.3V output for these tests. This is because the Mojo 2 begins clipping above this level, so it is the maximum practical output of the device (despite the volume control allowing the user to set it higher),


Unity gain, eg. 100% would be ideal, but as said above, that might clip. Don’t over think it.

Thanks all for the input. I think I’m settling on azure or blue (two of my favorite colors) and calling it a day. Cheers.

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