I’ve been trying to solve the issue I’m having with Chris Rea’s 11 CD Box “Blue Guitars” and the indexing in the Roon database.
I’ve ripped all the CD’s with disc numbers and tagged them with the same album name “Blue Guitars”.
Whatever I’ve tried, they keep getting mixed up in Roon:
-every disc in a subdirectory of the directory 'Blue Guitars"
-all files in one directory
Roon sees disc 1 and 2 as being “Blue guitars” and even shows the complete tracklist for 11 discs…
Also discs 3 and 11 get merged under the same name separately from 1 and 2, with, again, the complete tracklist for 11 discs…
The rest of them is treated as “different versions” of Blue Guitars and will not show up directly, but after selecting one of the two “main albums”…
Any suggestions what I can try to change? I’m using mp3tag so I can change a lot in the metadata…
Thxs for the suggestions - I’ve solved the problem. I moved the 11 folders to a “non Roon” location on the NAS. Rescanned the music folders and moved the folders back. After another rescan, I was able to merge the individual albums into a multi-disc set with the “merge albums” and “fix track grouping” functions of Roon.
All that’s left to do now is to get the artwork in place like Chris is showing…