Clipping/crackling no matter what I do with headroom/Roon volume [SOLVED (disable DAC in Roon Settings)]

I’m trialling HQPlayer and getting it to work with Roon. But I keep getting some crackling (is this what clipping sounds like?? Never experienced it before) despite changing filters.

This is what my settings currently look like:

I’m playing Roon desktop using a Mac Mini M1 > Burson Conductor Reference 3 amp/dac

I’m using Parametric EQ settings, but have lowered the overall gain by -6db, and Roon volume is set to -3db.

Can anyone suggest any changes?

If the “Limited” counter increments, you know there is some clipping. But looking at your source format, you seem to have some DSP enabled in Roon which may be root cause. I strongly recommend to setup all parametric EQ and other DSP in HQPlayer and disable all such at Roon side.

Then show us what the HQPlayer “Plot” for the parametric EQ looks like?

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I’ve disabled all DSP/Muse functions in Roon. Didn’t help.

Transferred output straight to my amp, then back to HQP. Works fine suddenly.

Then I shut down, try a different filter, and the crackling is back. All DSP turned off in Roon.

So frustrating, because what’s coming out of HQP when it’s clear is sensational!

Limited counter at 0 even after such crackling?

Please check that your DAC is not macOS default audio output device. For example set the built-in audio as default for macOS.

Also please check that your DAC is disabled in Roon Settings → Audio as documented on last bullet point here (having your DAC still enabled in Roon is most common source of problems):

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Solved by disabling DAC from Roon Settings.

Sorry for missing fundamental basic, Jussi! I thought I was doing that correctly already.