Confusing behavior after adding an album to library

Hi there,

Want to know if I’m missing something or if this is a bug.

When listening to an album on Qobuz or Tidal that is not in my library, if I add it to the library, there now appear to be two instances of the same album version occurring in Roon. If I navigate away from the album and go back to it from ‘Recently Added’, all looks normal except this is not the instance that is playing. On the other hand, if I navigate back to the album by clicking the title in the Now Playing bar, it sends me to another instance of that album, pre-add, which IS playing. On this latter instance, the “+” is still available for me to add to the library even though I already did so. I use the word ‘instance’ reather than version, because both appear to represent the same ‘version’ in Roon - the ‘Versions’ tab seems to show the added (but not playing) version of the album. This becomes awkward because, as I listen, if I want to like/heart a track, I have to navigate away from the ‘playing’ instance to the ‘added’ instance to do so (and then back to replay or skip ahead, etc.)


As you add an album roon clones it effectively and the one added to the library is not then the one playing.

Yes, agree that seems to be happening. I understand there may be architectural / software issues at play here, but it makes for a very awkward user experience.

That’s one way to look at it for sure, however:

And it’s probably part of this larger issue: