"Coreless" access to Tidal in mobile Roon app for use on the go

Would be very good if the Roon ios/Android app could be used on the go by allowing access to Tidal without requiring a connection to a core. Right now you need to use the Tidal app which isn’t great.

Moreover, the Roon app could match the albums in the core home library and play them from Tidal, much like iTunes Match. This would be an extremely useful feature, allowing you to (virtually) access your personal library anywhere.

A recent comment from Mike on Mobile Roon:


Thanks again Carl :slight_smile:

I wonder if they mean what I suggested (coresless playback via Tidal) or remote access to your core at home via the Internet…

As I understand it mobile Roon will support both playing back audio files from our libs and from Tidal.

Would love to have this too

Can’t wait this to happen.

Resurfacing this one as it’s a capability I was looking for so I don’t have to switch back to the standalone Tidal app and lose all that juicy metadata in so doing.

Doesn’t look like it’s been implemented. Is it still on the todo list and, if so, is there a date?