Whenever I’m on my tablet I end up browsing through a few things, changing screens and then back to other areas. Meaning the back and forward arrows at the top left occasionally get used. It would be nice to have a “home” button on the top left next to the left arrow that just kinda “resets” everything and cleans up your navigation history.
That would sure get a thumbs up from me!
What page would be “home” in Roon? When I launch the app it just remembers where I last was. Is “Discover” the homepage?
Overview I’d suggest. If you fresh launch roon (e.g. properly Kill and re- launch) that’s the home page.
Should be a setting to define it. In my case this would be “Albums”, ‘Sorted by Album Title’ . I always start from there.
I’ve been planning to suggest this as It would simplify my Roon usage a lot! Now @David_Crosbie1 has done it. Thanks!
Agreed I think it would make navigation smoother. Most other systems do it in some way. It seems an easy inclusion.
I must stress though that I would want the home button to “reset” navigation. So the left arrow would no longer work. Clean slate as it were
Doesn’t the Hamburger menu do this , 2 taps you’re there whatever view you define as Home
Yes but then all that does is stack up another layer of nagivation, the left arrow would still take you back to the previous screen.
I’m fairly sure from a memory management position, having all this “navigation history” stored can’t be efficient, and its certainly not efficient from a usability perspective. having a single “home” button that refreshes navigation, clears out all the stages you had before and takes you back to the beginning makes much more sense to me from a UI perspective.
It’s also an inclusion that wouldn’t really add any UI clutter and has pretty much no downsides if you don’t want to use it.
Right now if I open roon, and go to albums, find an album and play it, then click on the artist name, then click on one those albums and queue it, and then go to overview perhaps. I now have about 5 left arrow presses to go back to a clean fresh start where I was. Or I can open menu and go overview, which is two clicks, but now adds a 6th level to the left arrow rather than starting fresh.
Or, it could be one button.
Others will want Albums, others Artist and others Live Radio… A setting to chose whatever page you want is the best way to do it.
this exists already, you can bookmark any place and access it later from any other place
Hi Dan, I don’t think you’re understanding the point of my original request.
Yes you can bookmark anywhere you want, but doing this just stacks up yet another layer of navigation, meaning wherever I go, there will still be the option to use the left arrow to go back to wherever you were before that. Stacking up more and more layers of history into the nav.
I’m proposing a kind of “reset”. Back to a fresh starting point (which could be user defined) and clearing out the nav history.
As suggested, I use “Overview” to get me back to a familiar place: click the 3 lines top left, perhaps it needs a bit of a scroll, aha! Overview! Perhaps instead of “Overview”, it should be a little house icon?
Hi @mikeb I do think my point is being missed here somewhat.
if you click on the three lines and pick overview, the navigation history still stores where you just were. So you can still click the left arrow to go “back” to previous screen. I’m suggesting that “home” whatever you choose it to be, should reset navigation back to 0.
Your method, along with the others posted above, just adds another layer of navigation history to that which already exists.
OK, much clearer now. I do find the arrowed history useful, and “clear history” is more of a privacy feature, because otherwise, its completely non-obtrusive. Not sure why one would want this, but it’s certainly your prerogative to ask.
I suspect (from some knowledge of IT, as it’s an industry that I work in) that maintaining this history may have some impact of memory management.
Ultimately even a bookmark is a two click experience. As is using top left menu.
“Home” should be a simple one button press to take everything back to start, and preferably clear up navigation history as well.
But my concern has nothing to do with privacy. It’s just an in UI experience. Browsers have home buttons, facebook has home buttons, squeezebox controllers have home buttons, as does auralic app.
It’s just about a quicker, cleaner UI with more user response and the ability to clean up navigation in the process.
No privacy concerns, its music after all not pornography!
A bookmark is a user defined point that can be accessed with two clicks from anywhere in the app - click bookmarks, choose the bookmark. This takes anywhere with two clicks. Back takes you, well, back…
What am I missing?
I guess it’s one of those “you either get it or you don’t” type situations.
I hate the messy nature of the back button and after a days worth of surfing, I’d prefer to start with a clean slate so I know where I’m going “back” to. Does it really make sense to have a back button that can retrace the last 10-20 pages I looked at in roon, no, not really. So why have it.
It’s great if you’ve gone one or two levels in and want to retrace, but I think a nice clean reset back to home would be nicer.
I use the back button when I know I want to return to the previous screen, and the Main Menu when I have an intended place to go. I can find myself down a rabbit hole from an artist query, to an album, to a related artist, where I’ll queue a song and want to get back to the artist query. I’ve never run into the messiness you are referring to: I like that the Roon history is perpetual.
I think your assumption that navigation history cruft needs to be cleared, and may be impacting performance, is unlikely.
I’m still not sure I understand this request, even with your additional clarification. Back is only messy until you go to the menu and navigate to another page, then back allows you to get back to where you were; otherwise it’s like an internet browser history: helpful when I have navigated from one page to another, but redundant if I have a bookmark, or a button that takes me directly to the place I want to go.
Given the different ways that people use Roon, some will see Discover as the home page, others will initiate searches from the Album Browser, and others will go to Artists. All these options are already available in the main menu, in essence providing various “home” buttons for all of the different ways people use Roon.
A no-brainer! Would be perfect there. +1.