Crown Lands Missing Album

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I was trying to find this album by Crown Lands. I first searched for Crown Lands then selected their discography page and found the following albums listed.

The album Fearless is not listed. Okay I say to myself. So I then select the first album Crown Lands and scroll down to their selected discography.

There’s Fearless. Why does the album Fearless show up in selected discography but not the discography page for the artist?

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


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Description of the issue

See above.

It is there for me…


In comparing mine to yours, I see that you have Fearless (Deluxe). My guess is that the original is listed underneath versions for that. Go into the album and review the Versions tab.

II just looked at mine, and it shows both the original and the deluxe versions grouped together. See below

As to why Roon shows one and not the other under “Selected Discography”, I would bet that even though they are grouped as versions, each version is available as potentially a separate selection for the “Selected Discography” section.

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