Curious Issue with headroom adjustment sounds flat

My golden ears tell me that can not be true :wink:
Definitely less detailed highs going on :slight_smile:

… does use the same code as PEQ gain, headroom, or DSP volume.

I’ve just reassured that my setup doesn’t audibly exhibit any frequency response tayloring on switching headroom 0dB on/off - no volume leveling, PEQ, or DSP volume adjustments were enabled during that test.

Anyone convinced in that happening could easily setup a loopback of Roon’s stream to verify with appropriate free measurement software… or just use their USB mic to measure acoustically…

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That was my second idea. To use Blackhole as output in roon (I think is a loopback) and record with quick time. Ended up with two m4a files, one with 0 headroom one with headroom disabled. But I do not know in what app can I open the two tracks and overlay them (rew wants aiff) if you have any idea pls tell me.

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Very good @Traian_Boldea

Thanks for this. Very helpful.

What if you have headroom set to -3? Although SPL will be lower. The frequency response should in theory map the same.

I’m not that skilful with REW and mic so I do not fully trust what I"m doing. I would be more confident in the loopback option since there is no outside sound recorded.

Side story:
I used the

Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 15.33.31

it has been a while since I did anything but classical or jazz and I was amassed by how LOUD this album was. I do not use volume levelling and usually listen to an entire album but I do not change the volume so much. When Memory Almost Full started I was looking for the remote… neighbours neighbours…

It is a naturally loud album.

I wonder if @TrAndy has done all their testing with this album. Have you tried anything else?

Yes I did. This album was initially my reference for checking for clipping.

For comparing in the finde details i used some guitar and female vocal tracks, both FLAC and MQA with different sampling rates to get a picture whether it depends on the quality of the track where I can hear such differences when headroom on/of. For me seems the better the track the minor the negative effect is.

Doesn’t matter what they have said as things can go awry with their code as it does with every release, they always say we make no changes to the playback chain but other areas do seem to affect it as the whole gapless thing on Qobuz showed and the slower playback some are getting. I suggest rtry it out yourself and see. It might be the act of switching itself but it’s a perceivable change none the less and I don’t recall noticing it myself before. But then it might have always been like this.

I do not know how to overlay them. (and they are aligned by eye)

But: first one headroom disabled
Second: Zero Headroom
Third: -3 headroom

The first two look the same to me

Just found the zoon tool (those app all with different shortcuts… who uses cmd + 1 and cmd + 3 for zoom in/zoom out)


For some, not everybody, so probably rather related to system specific problems.

Which is a problem of DACs correctly recognizing the sample rate.

You probably didn’t read my post, as that’s what I did and neither saw nor heard a problem…

Even offered the idea to measure it to verify.

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I do not know if has any relevance but: I use HQP that can do apodization and correct some errors and also reports them. Highest I ever achieved was on some hip hop r&B 2K on a track. The Ever Present Past from Memory Almost Full did get 12 in 1 minute.

This is the first time I hear this. Sounds logical to be so. Maybe for some (Maybe not my case, after roon restarts all ok maybe 3 days or 5, then sluggish as the search)

I did aligned them a little better and still see no difference

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Let me help you out…

Firstly, you can zoom in on a sample by sample level to align perfectly.

To show the difference between both trials for one channel, you need to first invert one trial’s track, then mix it with the other non-inverted trial’s track into a new track.

So “Select” a track (button in bottom left of track window).
Click “Effect” “Special” “Invert”.
Track phase should now be inverted.

Select inverted track and non-inverted track of same channel.
Click “Tracks” “Mix” “Mix and Render to New Track”.
Voilà, you should see the difference between both tracks…

Show us the screen shots, please!

Just seeing that you can probably do the same with the stereo track…
I had just quickly tested with mono tracks to give advice…

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Great, I’ll try.

It’s nothing to do with this at all. My dacs have never had any issues with any sample rates in 5 years of Roon, then started to get this issue intermittently at same time as the gapless problem popped up. I have an open ticket currently, they asked for a copy of my database. It affects skipping tracks on the same album or switching to play another album or track. And I will repeat it never used to do this and I don’t have any exotic setup.

The aligning was the hard part… But I suspect that this is the result you were expecting


If you play them back if there is no difference it should be completely mute as one cancels out the other. This is how I have tested stuff in the past. I don’t suspect there will be any difference as it’s likely just the act of switching causing our brains to think there is one. As it’s not a switch that happens instantly audible memory isn’t very reliable. I also tend to have the two recordings I am comparing on separate tracks and toggle between them as it’s instant with Audacity.

Yep. nothing there.
Playing and nothing comes on the speaker graph.

I guess for all who understand the science behind is a valid test. For me still is magic :slight_smile: like the first time I saw Red added to Green and resulting Yellow. After years of painting and Red and Green result in a brown. Now after learned a bit nothing magical.


Really helpful to see you all trying to investigate :slight_smile:

For me it’s absolutely clear that there is a difference. I again blind tested and spottet 10 out of 10 times whether headroom is on or off.

But maybe its an issue which has nothing to do with the function itself but with a chain of other circumstances.

I have no other idea what to try anymore after several hours of changing software settings and hardware.

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