Customisable "Now Playing" buttons (AKA bring back the heart and lyrics buttons!)

Back in the day there used to be a heart near the play controls. When I was playing something, it was always available…always accessible…always there. I thought it was brilliant. I used it to create a quick filtered list of tracks-to-remember as I meandered around my music collection. These might become a playlist or just be left in my ever expanding faves list. Then it got deleted…very sad. Maybe I was the only one who used it?

I’d like to see that feature return but (in the spirit of Roon’s rekindled focus on the geeky core audience) with a bit of polish. I’d like 2 ‘custom slots’ near the play controls that users can add controls. These would likely be desktop only…or maybe tablet too, given the space requirements. These controls would be selectable and be those that are used regularly by them, but would be completely different to the most useful controls picked by someone else.

I, for example, would have ‘heart’ and ‘add to playlist’ there. Someone else might have the lyrics button there. Someone might even want speedy access to see what town the band their currently listening to is playing next.

All the available features would need to adhere to the “now playing” context. IE the buttons would do something to the current track.

Thank you for reading.