Daisy Chain Networking Question

Yep. WiFi disabled and IP fixed.

I imagine any gains if any may be down to not having another potentially noisy switching power supply near your audio equipment. Can’t say I have noticed any differences with any networking configuration and I currently have 3 switches between my core and main system the switches at either end use PoE to power them.

I started a feature request to enable the second Port to be allocated an IP via DHCP. This would mean a normal streamer connected this way would be on the same subnet as Roon and have all the benefits of internet access, updates and web based management. Without this a lot of devices wouldn’t work via a second port using ROCK. But pretty much any other OS can be configured to achieve this. I think it would add to the versatility of Nucleus/ROCK usage but it also has its detractors who wish RoonOS to be kept as simple as possible. I remain hopeful it is being considered as part of the Roon 2.0 release.

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