I have been going daily through my collection of music/albums on my shared hard drives on a Windows 10 machine to manually identify albums.
Almost everyday, it seems that certain albums that were identified before appears again as unidentified. This is somewhat frustrating as it take some work to go through several hundereds of albums in the first place.
Example. ABout the seocnd or third time I redo identification:
Ah, got it. Thank you.
I thought it was the purpose of manually linking the two folders to the album. It does work but only temporarily then. I will check all the others that come back undone to see if this is the case too. But then, I woudl likley just forget about the identification of these albums and keep my structure instead.
That’s is also unwise , if Roon doesn’t ID you are going to miss out on any additional metadata that Roon can provide and it may interfere with any linking on classical compositions.
Out of interest why do you need any folder access once you have imported into Roon ? Roon keeps track of all that you should never need to touch a folder structure once your library is imported.
Keeping Albums together in a single folder is by far the best method’ The KISS principal. I have a large library with <0.1 % unidentified using this concept.
If Roon sees a group of tracks in a folder it will assume this is an album and try (and fail) to ID, its a common issue where users try to split out individual CD’s from a box set
BTW Roon will periodically try and ID albums it has been able to so far hence the “every few days” issue.
We need to see the next screen to comment, it’s likely a mismatch of track timings
Yes you will need to manually accept these track timings , it i quite common for the embedded timings not to agree with the Roon Sources, if its not a +/- 3 sec it will fail.
Yes I go through the same process. Linking the album manually overiding the 4/5 sec. timing difference. The issue is once I have done that, everything is good but a few days later that link is lost and the very same album shows as Unidentifed again. Thank you
And without touching the folder at all, it has already lost the identification. The tracks are in the same fodler and the album was identied yesterday. Somewhat the Roon database is getting corrupted or not perfromaing as advertised.
As far as I know the only thing that could make this happen is if the Roon reimported the album and went through the ID process again and failed as before. The only thing that can cause that is if your track files(or tags) are altered in some way. Roon will detect a ‘file change’ and reimport
Is something else changing your tags that you are not aware of , eg are you using Audirvana and adjusting stuff there , that will cause it
for reference I put this exact album into Roon yesterday and is still looking fine ???
If you db was corrupted you would see all sorts of odd behaviour like not loading etc
Really nothing I can think about. I do have indexing on the HD but that should not change the files themselves. I just don’t understand what is happening. I could try replacing the hard drive but I guess it would start the whole process back from the beginning.
After more cleanup of metadata and folder structure, I seem to be getting there Seems that the album manullay identified are staying identified now - crossing fingers. It leaves only a few albums long out of print that cannot be found in the database.