dCS Vivaldi Support


I am using the DCS Vivaldi and try to set it up with Roon.

In Settings under Audio I see dCS Asio Driver. when I enable it I see message “Divice Not Found”. Is this because the dCS Asio driver is not installed on my core.

If so can someone send me the link to download it. I am using a Windows machine.



What is your core? What OS. We need to know to help.

Hi, the core is a Taiko SGM that runs on Windows 10.

The source of your Asio driver should be from your DAC manufacturer. The drivers that come with Windows can be problematic. And everything needs to be connected and powered up for it all to work when using USB.

To be clear, you are directly connecting the Taiko via USB to the Vivaldi?

Have you asked on the dCS forum? I think there’s a few folks over there that may have a similar setup. I have a Bartok and use the Bridge, so I’m not going to be very helpful with your setup.

Hi Sanjiv,

Please see page 11 of the manual of the Vivaldi DAC.

dCS does not use a ASIO driver, but a Windows driver for USB Class 2.

It can be downloaded here.

If you need more support, like Vincent said, just drop us a message here. The Support section is at the top.