Different search results Qobuz and Roon/Qobuz

This is a topic that has come up before. Would like to give a concrete example based on a search for albums by the violinist “Pavlo Beznosiuk”

Qobuz returns 19 albums
Roon only 14

Because Roon missed the one that I wanted (Corelli Opus 5) I’m mad and thought I’d take the time to file a report. :wink:

Roon’s discography for him gives 18 albums - the missing one being the Corelli Opus 5.

So, as well as the discrepancy in the Search results, it would be interesting to know why this Opus 5 album gets missed by Roon…

Yes. I can’t overemphasis how important it is to sort this (sort of thing) out. Why? Because otherwise each time I am searching for something I DON"T KNOW EXISTS (in other words BROWSING for stuff by a certain artist or composer) I’ll feel obliged to open up the native Qobuz (streaming service) app and perform my searches there. For fear of not discovering what I might otherwise have found. Pretty maddening if you think about it given the price we are paying for a seamless experience.

The album is available under the “Appearances” section on his Discography page.

Unfortunately, due to the vagaries of metadata from different providers, this one ends up as being filed primarily under The Avison Ensemble.

My suggestion, if you know an artist is on a particular album, is to go to their Discography page and use the filter.

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Hi, thanks for getting back. Love the filter suggestion.

Don’t have access to the metadata directly so browsed the displayed information in Roon and in native Qobuz. The table below attempts to compare information on the different Corelli albums in the series as it appears in Roon. The “missing” Opus 5 compares best with “Opus 1&3” yet there are differences in the last two columns which might explain why one is selected by Roon but not the other.

So the mystery remains as to how native Qobuz manages to match the album successfully. I then went into the track data. An example from each is given. Native Qobuz appears to give more detailed information - which in this case might give it more information to work with for the purposes of the screening. Perhaps Roon already looks at this because, as is summarised in the table, it does manage to say that he features in “All tracks” in one album and “44 tracks” in another. I did patiently step through all tracks of Opus 5 in native Qobuz and verify that he does in fact appear in all tracks. So, then, why doesn’t Roon’s summary credit this? One thing does change: in general he is third in the list (after Copyright Control and Corelli), but sometimes he is fourth (after some other instrumentalist). Hmmm. As usual it’s all about the detail.

(Either way it would be nice to have those more detailed track credits from Qobuz in the Roon integration: I do actually like looking at those to figure out who is playing, particularly if, for example, on the same album there are two renowned violin soloists…)


It’s not a mystery. We have this metadata from multiple sources. Curated metadata sources usually “trumps” the metadata from streaming services. In this case, Qobuz adds Beznosiuk as an album artist, but TiVo does not.

Here’s a different metadata example (taken from track credits). I was listening to a concert recording “Recital de 1986 a St Guilem le Desert - Scott Ross” and there was no information as to the composers of the pieces played. So I looked in the track information. Nothing. Eager to find out as lazily as possible (without googling) I fired up Qobuz native. In the screenshot below we can see that Qobuz gives the composer name for track 3 - “Jean-Philippe Rameau”. Roon doesn’t. Idem all the other tracks. Not sure why but have the general impression that our track credits are more spartan than those in Qobuz native.