Difficulty Differentiating Between Maria Callas' Two Recordings of Bellini's Norma on Roon from Qobuz (ref#DN2UPA)

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There are two recordings of Bellini's Norma by Maria Callas. One made in 1954 and the other in 1960. Roon doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between them when streaming from Qobuz. Both are from Warner Classics.

You don’t have both versions under the Versions tab?

Both versions are definitely known to roon, even marked as “1960 studio” or “1954 studio”.

I would suggest to differentiate them by including the tenor´s name when searching: Corelli for 1960 and Filippeschi for 1954 and then identify each of the albums manually in roon.

Thanks for your amazingly fast response. What confused me was that the 1954 Studio version has a different cover from Qobuz and initially the tracks did not match up. But by clicking through the different versions of the 1954 Studio release I found one where the tracks match up. It still shows a different cover but I can live with that. Thanks again. Impressive!

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A very common issue with historical recordings that have been published and re-released in numerous variants. I never charge the recording by its cover :wink: That is especially true to everything being recorded before 1963 and by major record labels which later were subject to mergers, disappeared or sold their catalogue (such as Decca, Telefunken, Philips, EMI, DGG and alike).

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Moved to Metadata.

Hi @Arthur_QA. Thanks for pointing this out. TiVo has misassigned a release of the 1954 recording to the 1960 album and this has confused us. I’ve asked them to correct it.

Glad it wasn’t just me being stupid!

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