Dirac update , Roon and VST/AU plugins

Hi @igufi

My playback chain looks like this:

1. Roon =>
[Enable Squeezebox Support = Enabled]

2. LMS-to-UPnP =>

3. foobar2000 =>
w/ foo_vst adapter
w/ UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point
w/ UPnP MediaRenderer Output (Optional. This allows you to output to UPnP MediaRenderers like jplay)

All three components above can be run on a single PC or 3 separate PCs for each talks to each other via network. They discover each other pretty well but some learning and manual setting are required as I expanded below:

Some notes on LMS-go-UPnP setup:
LMS-to-UPnP installation and running has a learning curve attached to it. It took me a while to have it running smoothly. Its support is available at http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?103728-Announce-UPnPBridge-integrate-UPnP-DLNA-players-with-LMS-(squeeze2upnp)&p=820082&viewfull=1#post820082.

There is a config file required when running the LMS-to-UPnP. Please modify the following setting in the default config:

You might have to fiddle with other settings.

I suggest you read its “userguide.html” (hidden deep in the installation directory and it does not highlight important stuff) thoroughly and try to get used to its “raw” user interface.

I would not say it is an easy setup but once setup right, it is quite stable especially with the lated dirac vst. I might try jriver in place of foobar. Technically it should work. Good luck :crazy_face:

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