Directory Navigation

Is there a way to get a Roon view to navigate my music directory structure in the way that it is on disk? I do have some directories that contain files from many sources that are not album or artist based. I may not necessarily remember the artist or track name but can find easily by direct navigation of the directory structure.

The idea of Roon as I see it is to get away from directories and use a visual interface.

I agree, but I just don’t know the best way to handle that. Should I tag those files a certain way. Give them a fake album name or create a custom tag?

OK but I need catalogue tree too ;(

That’s what I would do. You can call an Album anything you like.

I have one called. ‘Little Rabbit Barn interval music’ with tracks on that we have used as interval music. I just ripped the compilation disc I had made in as various artists.
Now with 1.3 I have added the track metadata using ‘Primary artist’ and unchecking the ‘Various Artist’ tag on each track which means it will come up in artists search.
I have also tagged it ‘Little Rabbit Barn’ along with all the albums associated with our music venue and my live bootleg recordings from the gigs.
This is just my practical use scenario as an example, should it help.


It’s possible to locate all the files from a given folder or path using the steps mentioned here.

Once you do that, you can tag all the files in Roon using our Tagging feature. Once all the tracks are tagged, you can use that tag in any browser, such as albums, artists, etc.

Hope that helps!