Discogs as metadata source

I agree. I’ve been hoping for a Discogs implementation for a loong time, but RateYourMusic is much better when it comes to genres and sub genres. That would be amazing!


If we want to take advantage of our musical libraries to 100% and to obtain the complete discographies of the musicians the most important thing is to migrate the source to DiscoGS. What we currently have is frustrating with genres and album identification. Implementing DiscoGS should be at the top of Roon’s development priorities.


This might be of use to some as little workaround. Yesterday I discovered the Murdos Musicbrainz scripts. They make it very easy and fast to enter releases from various sources (Discogs and Bandcamp included) to Musicbrainz.


Thanks, this is nice. I’ve added several albums to MusicBrainz, which have ended up in Roon after a couple weeks (not sure how long, but not instant).

I update my Bandcamp buys from MB though, Bandcamp metadata are often pretty bad.

Usually takes about 24 hours to get picked up by Roon. Maybe 48 hours on a Friday and over the weekend.

A few of my edits have never been picked up.

Really need this feature… genre metadata from Roon is really dumb