Disconnect tidal

What happens if I disconnect tidal? I’ve always had tidal with Roon, but I don’t stream much anymore, tending to rely on my own library. I fully realise I will not be able to steam any tracks, my playlist etc will not be there and I won’t have the tidal page. However, what about metadata, radio suggestions, suggested albums and artists etc. Are those items connected to tidal metadata?

That would probably eliminate New releases for You and Your Daily Mixes. Pretty sure the metadata will still be there for your library and I think radio suggestions can be limited to your library. Would need to check on those to verify.

Yes, Roon doesn’t get metadata from Tidal at all.

Roon Radio yes, but then it uses a different algorithm, not the cloud data (which may be a good thing).

The Playlists By Roon will also be gone like New Releases and Daily Mixes.

Thank you, I assume these items go as well? Especially the second item with the tidal badges, unless that also pulls from my local library.

I would think so. In addition, the Discography tab for artists will also disappear.

Can’t you simply log out of Tidal and I suppose then you will see what’s gone?

Yes I’ll give that a shot. I wasn’t sure if the tidal albums I’d added (not too many) would come back automatically when I signed back in or if I’d have to add them again manually. But I guess if I’m going to let my tidal subscription expire there’s no point in worrying about that. This was more about what extra benefits tidal is providing to the experience on top of the actual streaming capabilities and whether it was worth it to keep spending for those features.
Thank you.

They should come back as long as you don’t do a Settings > Library > Cleanup while logged out of Tidal.

The question is not a bad one as many things in Roon depend on the streaming service that are not entirely obvious, like the Discography

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Tip - Anything you see that shows large red screens in


Like 49 & 83…are streaming driven.


I’m trying to rely on my own library more and purchase more music via band camp to fill the gaps, I’m tired of streaming services changing release versions or removing releases completely, I feel music streaming is more and more unreliable as a means of library integration, outside of Roon too, I want to be rid of it.


Something I did last year and happier for it. Only use them now try out new stuff before I buy. I ditched my 2500+ favourite albums. I’ve spent a lot buying the ones I really needed/wanted but to me it’s been worth it.

That’s where I want to be. I have YT Music with my YouTube sub, so can use that to see if I like something that maybe not on BC.
The hoops are just not worth jumping through, I will stick to LMS and Plexamp.

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