Discover is still one of my favorite Roon features



Well, I guess there aren’t a lot of us! That is sad!

I really like Discover also. Made it a bookmark for easy access.


I like it as well. I often use it for inspiration. It’s surprising how many times I’ve found something that I’ve not listened to in an age.


Yes! I don’t have any streaming services, but I am up to 42,325 tracks, and I am always finding something that I haven’t heard in a while, or I learn about a connection that threads my collection. I love it.


I adored it. Never find my way there any longer. It’s so so so good though. Wish it were not soft deprecated. It’d be my preferred home page. Or at least a carousel of content from it, with a more button that led to the full page.


I don’t use it that often anymore, but not only because it’s more or less hidden now, but because it’s really disappointing … this could be done and could be presented so much better, instead of just listing albums randomly. The “focus” tool is quite powerful and could spawn some great recommendations for what’s in your library and has been neglected / forgotten / never listened to / also in that genre etc…

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This is a great idea, I’ll do this

Hmmm, more than random albums, I love its artist/performer/composition random recommendations. There is always something to learn about my collection. It’s completely passively-driven, which is its best feature.

I really wish Discover was loved by the Roon Team as much as me. Once they buried it, I created a bookmark for it and placed it at the top of my bookmarks for easier access.

But since ARC, I have become more fluent in scrolling randomly through the Albums tab on My Library and browsing from there. Here is my latest page:

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This “Hot Track” is something new, right? That’d be exactly the right direction … the “Discover” section should actually relate to what I’m listening to (or not / have forgotten that I have in my library)

and it is indeed a hot track, by the way!

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I can’t get RoonARC to work, so I need PlexAmp to access my local files outside my network … and after using it for a few weeks, I’m surprised by how much better the app makes me aware of the contents of my music library than Roon’s Discovery feature.

I mean, it’s not a masterstroke either, it’s a lot of obvious prompts (like “More from genre XY”, “More from label XY”, “Top albums of 20XX” and so on…" but it’s so much more fun than Roon.

I really hope that Roon will not only update ARC with one of the next updates, but also greatly improve the library experience. It’s about time.

I really do wish that there were wider “merchandising” of Discover. That there was a “carousel” of albums/songs/tiles that appeared at the bottom of albums/artist pages, just in case I want a “way out” other than either “left bar / home / etc” or “navigate up or down in the tree structure I’m in. It’s the way e-commerce works for a reason. Allow the primary path to be one where you assume the customer is where they want to be, but also realize that they might be “stuck and looking for some inspiration” - either close (eg, “recommended albums”) or far (eg, “discover”).


This might be not the right thread for it, but I still have the urge to complain about how terrible the “Daily Mixes” are (being also a tool for discovering the music in my library or giving an input to what to play).

Mostly, they are plain boring or predictable, but every now and then, they’re surprising in the worst way, adding “Nirvana” or “U2” to a “Massive Attack” Daily Mix and other strange things, only an underdeveloped AI could cook up.

The results of “Performing the music of” and “Collaborators” on the other hand are far too “niche” and not that interesting often to be displayed so prominently.

The Discovery features in Roon seem to be rather poorly developed and clearly lacking in quality. I really wish that one of the next updates would bring some better features for collectors who want to discover and enjoy their music collection.


I do think this is different. “Discover” is very different for me as a local-only user compared to “Daily Mixes” for people who use streaming.

Discover works incredibly well for me, as does Roon Radio.

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Good for you you’re happy with “Discover” as it is now … I think the Roon team themselves are as dissatisfied with the feature as I am and that’s why they are practically hiding it, moved it down and removed it from the menu. It’s just a complete random infinity feed of items in the library, detached from any listening behaviour and context. This could be so much better, all the data is here.

The “Daily Mixes” would be another mean to discover what’s in the library (and on streaming) but it’s similarly disappointing and just doesn’t make you want to dive in.


But completely random is precisely what I enjoy, along with “release on this day in” and “released on this month in.”


Agreed. Roon radio is great once you have most of albums identified, analyzed and assigned genres to the remaining ones.

Discover technically works well but I fail to understand the point of completely random suggestions for my personal listening experience. Maybe my library is too extreme in its versatility and most of it I keep disabled or ignore it most of the time. When seeing some thrash metal classics next to Renaissance sacred music it might make me smile but also doubt the sense of Discover for me personally.

If I want to randomly flip through albums I like the album cover overview with very general focus filters activated: Just one primary layer genre, limited to a particular decade of publication, a local folder or something like that. Combine it with an usual way of sorting like release date or date added. It gives me the feeling of passing by a big bookshop or LP record collection and many times I find exactly the one album I wanted to re-discover. It is what I always expected from iTunes´ coverflow when it was introduced. But that’s a very personal experience, admittingly.