Discrete Watched Folder

I would like to create a new watched folder for holiday music but I don’t all those tracks added to the system library on Roon.

Can I add such a folder and keep the contents from migrating into the system until I want to set up a specific playlist???

You can disable and re-enable the folder whenever you choose.

I don’t know what you mean by “keeping the contents from migrating into the system” really means.

My concern is once I add then select that folder and let the system analyze the files, the files then become part of the overall tracks available to me, correct? In other words they are in the folder where all the tracks I have now in Roon are available, right? I don’t want them intermingled with the files that are there now.

Or, are they available separately?

You can set is as a seperate watched folder in the settings menu but only if it is a seperate top level folder.
They won’t show up if switched off, no worries.
I have made 17 top level folders set as watched folders to be able to do things like this and to be able to select albums in Roon on folder content. Well a litle rough selection at least, but none the less very helpfull

Roon doesnt touch you files it manages metadata not the files itself so it won’t move them anywhere. If you have them in a folder at the same folder level as your main library then you can add it and remove it anytime.

Thank you, gents.

So how do I select a specific folder to play from if I have more than one?

Can’t, without disabling all others.

Roon doesn’t organize by folders.

You cant all files will be seen in the library. As @Slim_Fishguttz says Roon is not folder based you can’t search by folders. Just search for the music and play it. You can use tags to identify them better and then create a bookmark to jump to them.

Hi @Michael_Kahut,

You can Focus on top level folders with Focus/Inspector/Storage Locations. Bookmark for easy access.

Simon and Slim are correct as regards subfolders, but top level folders can be Focussed on as above.

Yes, you can create this as a top level folder and then create a bookmark to see it only, and maybe a bookmark to exclude it. It’s a workaround, though, and likely to be limited in its utility in the sense that if you want to see the rest of your collection and not the holiday stuff, the available views and focus will be limited since you are already using the primary capability just to exclude the holiday music. If you go to an artist page, the holiday stuff will be there. You won’t be able to use Radio and know it will be excluded, etc.

What would really work, gasp, would be folder view, where you can navigate to a folder and add/play/playlist/queue tracks without indexing them in the library. The Roon team has already declared that to be contrary to their design philosophy.

One other idea that I use: hide holiday music until, say, November 27, then unhide.

Then hide…whenever.

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You can Focus on a top level folder using Focus/Inspector/Storage Locations, select All and do any of those actions. The drop box next to the Selection Play button contains other Play options.

I understand that the Holiday genre is content that is avoided by Radio. I’ll check and revert back.

Offcoarse this only applies to holiday music but there are a wholw lot of other scenarios where you want to be able to include or exclude an entire directory. Just a view examples. I have a directory with demo tapes, a directory with self recorded live music,.a directory with music for projects I’m working on. Now as much as I like these I don’t want them to show up.in searches, radio etc etc. That’s just one of the many reasons I have several seperate watched folders and thst just one of the thousands reasons why directory is so important to me.

These things can be accomplished by a more robust development of individual profiles.

Never understood why unique profiles are forced to use the same library.

Correct, unless you start Radio on holiday content.

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I do the same. My holiday music is contained in its own area that is not part of the main watched music folder. That way i can turn it on/off as needed.

Sounds like an ideal use case for Tags.

Does not nearly work the same. With tags your holiday music, guilty pleaures or whatever you want out of view sometimes,.still show up in searches, radio etc. Tried it, it’s an enormous hassle for something that was utterly simple to begin with.

Maybe Mark meant using Tags to identify your holiday tags along with the Hide/Unhide feature.

I don’t believe hidden stuff shows on searches or is played by the radio.

Yeah, that’s what I meant. It’s really no hassle at all, certainly less so than disconnecting sources.