I am hoping for a solution to my problem, perhaps it already exists!
Lenovo HTPC running as Roon Server
Roon Client installed on my primary Windows PC in office, MacBook Pro.
MiniDSP SHD as my primary roon endpoint connected to my primary amps/speakers
Lenovo HTPC and SHD are colocated and plugged into my router
SHD has a small display with limited information. I want to create a small/sleek screen on top of the SHD to show key information (Album Art, Song Details, Progress Bar, File Format)
I have a 1920x480 HDMI display which nicely matches the SHD form factor (arriving soon)
Plan was to run the display from the HTPC Roon Server Option 1: Roon App - Roon Software does not work at this resolution, and I am unaware of a Roon ‘Now Playing’ widget or similar companion app. Even if the application displayed, there is not great customisation to setup the Now Playing for a wide display.
Option 2: Roon Web Display - This approach should work. I have tested this at the target resolution. It is functional, however obviously not optimised for a wide display, and I am unable to show alot of information. Even if I had CSS skills - I am not sure what data (file formats etc.) is even published from Roon. But I assume with some CSS it could at least be partially optimised for the widescreen resolution (ie: Album Art on LHS as large as the vertical resolution allows, remove band photo, put the Artist/Track/Album on RHS, waveform beneath)
I do not expect/require any control from this display.
I know I’m trying to get premium streamer features from a lower end device - but any thoughts or guidance on any plugins or companion solutions would be great!
Image: Current View of Web Display running at 1920x480 - not bad, but not optimal, and not much information
Unfortunately neither is still actively delveoped so there is always the risk they stop working and might have the odd bug but worth a shot if you like the look of them.
EDIT: Actually you can do cover art in V1 as well, I forgot settings exist
No worries. As it happens I went looking again at 2.0. Looks like a few community members have kindly tweaked it to work and with a few improvements for text on smaller displays. Persuaded me to upgrade. I think it does look slightly nicer:
Got it all setup - obviously a lot more capabilities than what I really needed, but it does look better out of the box! Would be amazing to be able to get the track, bitrate type information - but this is a step forward.
Would be great if the Roon Dev Team could create a customisable Display option to have some control of what is shared via the built-in display capability.
Glad you got there and looks fantastic to me! The web display and related options do seem to power some lovely lower cost solutions for nice displays on set ups. Getting tempted myself!
But more tinkering with the layout. Longer playing bar, left justified text, removed the control buttons. Display is a touchscreen and they work, but with phone and SHD remote I’m not going to use this as a controller. Pretty happy now.