Not 100% perfect but Version 1 of the Web Controller looks better to my eyes:
If you want to give that a go it’s in the Extenstion Snapshots section of Roon Extension Manager which will probably be the easiest assuming the HTPC is running either Windows or Linux: Installation · TheAppgineer/roon-extension-manager Wiki · GitHub
There’s also a 2.0 Alpha but might also provide a nice looking result: GitHub - pluggemi/roon-web-controller at alpha. It does the blurred out artwork like the Roon web view I believe. More info here: Roon Web Controller 2.0.0 ALPHA now available - #2 by Tech_Whisky_Lab
Unfortunately neither is still actively delveoped so there is always the risk they stop working and might have the odd bug but worth a shot if you like the look of them.
EDIT: Actually you can do cover art in V1 as well, I forgot settings exist