Display order of bit-depth and sample rate should be reversed to industry standard and ability to identify Dolby Atmos tracks from TIDAL requested (ref#4OGRA1)

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Dear Roon-Support,

Some years ago the display order of bit-depth and sample rate has been changed to sample rate/bit-depth rather than bit-depth/sample rate which is the industry standard. I believe this has been done to better match MQA. Now where MQA fades out I think it would be a good time to go back to the industry standard display order. As it is now it looks just weird.

And another question, is it possible to identify Dolby Atmos tracks from TIDAL or to fully hide them? I don't want to add them to my library but it is impossible to identify them in the versions overview.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards

I can’t think of a place in Roon that doesn’t look like 192/24 or 352/32. Where are you seeing the reverse?

Yes, Roon displays as 192/24 as you are saying but the industry standard is 24/192. I’m asking to go back to that display order.

@Sebastian_Wilck I see I mis-read your original intent. I apologize. That order of presentation is far from industry standard, but to be candid, there is no established industry standard for this. I guess it depends on which “industry” we are referring to. For most audio consumers, sample rate is of more general interest than bit depth; bit depth is perhaps most germane to audio producers who have designs to use the material for further audio processing, which is a comparatively small use case.

@DDPS I agree the sample rate if more of an interest but still I don’t understand why Roon is (to my knowledge) the only app showing sample rate/bit-depth instead of bit-depth/sample rate. I don’t know any other example. And it was still different in Roon a few years back. It had been changed at some point to better match the presentation of MQA (I guess) since it does not include bit-depth (e.g. it is only showing as MQA 44kHz in Roon).

And with industry standard I mean more or less all established audio software vendors on the market as well as streaming services who offer lossless music (Qobuz, TIDAL, Apple Music). All of them are showing bit-depth first in their native apps.

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