Display settings & behavior for burn-in prevention

The desired result should in theory be simple as has already been suggested. The clever Roon devs could make the song bar and backdrop alternate locations between songs or some fade/in out. Note: they’ve already done this for the backdrop.

I have a Chromecast 4K and managed to set it up in the Google Home app as an Audio Group. After 5 mins or so it switches to ambient mode (screensaver). The down side to this is that you can’t see the track name and album art as it’s Chromecast’s own screensaver. Not an ideal solution when I want the best of both worlds given our subscription does not come cheap. I would love for this to be resolved by the Roon devs but also appreciate there are higher priority projects on the go (Roon Arc development as an example)

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I know this is a very late reply… But I have just had the same thought as I used it for the first time on my Oled.

Winamp managed this 25 years ago. Some screen friendly graphics and movement would be helpful.


I need this feature desperately too.

Yep - this isn’t a novel concept. And OLED TVs look so damn good. A great pairing with some excellent audio software that has a name that rhymes with “balloon”. :smile:

Can you please look into having no static images on the Roon display as it stands at the moment this feature is not suitable to use on an Oled screen. It must be possible to move the now playing bar etc around the screen at intervals to counteract the chance of burnin. This I feel would be a big improvement if implemented, what do other users here think?

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I’ve merged your post into the existing thread on this feature suggestion.

If this feature suggestion is important to you, please vote for it by using the Vote button at the top of the thread. Thank you.

I thought OLEDs prevented burn in by shifting the screen around a bit?