Do power cables make a difference to sound quality?

It will make about as much difference to the atomic structure and conductive properties of the cable as 1000 hours of “burn in”. That was kind of my point :joy: :rofl:

Let’s agree to disagree. I respect your opinion, but my personal experience over 25 years dicatate otherwise. I know its impossible to quantity it scientifically, but I know what I am hearing and in a very consistent fashion over many , many years and so do thousands of others.

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In terms of the hard sciences (physics etc). Yep, totally impossible. So, the major takeaway is that the difference you and “thousands of others” hear is not one that’s caused by any changes in the objective and measurable properties of the system to which we’re referring. Let’s agree to agree.

So, given that you know what you’re hearing, as do “thousands of others”, we need an alternative explanation, and the only other possibility - if not the hard sciences - is the somewhat less objective discipline of psychology. The most plausible psychological explanation, in the clear absence of anything even remotely objective (“impossible to quantify it scientifically”) is that we need to accept that something other than an objective change is occurring between the production of sound and its perception, i.e. something other than physical reality is mediating the experience. I’m not going to go on about cognitive bias and expectation bias again - I’m getting bored with repeating it - but it is something I’d suggest you investigate.


To be honest, if I had paid a thousand bucks for a “premium” Ethernet or power cable, I would also do my utmost to try to hear any audible “difference” in order to justify that outrageous expenditure, no matter how subjective or unscientific it may be.


Indeed. For the record I cannot hear any differences in ethernet cables, which is why I am sticking with basic ethernet cables from my local computer store.


This thread is absolutely first class entertainment but it does not have many audiophools within, shame


So, you trust your hearing?
McGurk effect


Am I here in the right place for ‘Voodoo and embarrassing blind test failures’? :popcorn:

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Agreed. The Ethernet debate thread was more exciting.

Me, I’m only here for the beer…well maybe popcorn too…

If only that were true.

If there was ever a case for how ‘sighted listening’ can affect your hearing perception, this is it!

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Dear Douglas, your argument as if you’ve experienced a difference over 25 years is probably true. In that time you probably lost about 30 to 35 % of your hearing. If you wouldn’t believe me, feel free to take the following revealing real world hearing test. Feel free to share your results - if you dare :slight_smile: My guess is that you’ll be astonished about the results.


Well, why don’t you tell us how you really feel about audiophiles why not… :grin:

Unfortunately I’m forced to have 8m of speaker cable - I went with better than lamp wire, though I found an 8m pair of Chord Rumor 2 used at my dealer’s for $175. That’s the kind of pricy cables I typically roll with - something of decent build that’s affordable - to me. I know what C,R, L. is. If you run vintage Naim amps you want to make sure one stays within specs of that for the speaker cable.

Best, Charles

Because those you call fools, have become smart enough to not constantly be the target of a circle j**k. Why engage when called fools for something that they have actually experienced by those who have only theorized it? It gets really old, esp since there are a few ‘in the name of science’ thread crappers here who can’t leave it alone, even when those of us with actual first hand experience or owners of said products are just trying to give advice to others that might be interested in improving the sound of their setup.


Dear me Charles, you really are barking up the wrong tree here my friend…
maybe this post of mine will help you understand which side of the fence I am walking…

Nuc 7i3 running R.O.C.K with attached 4tb USB HDD and an internal 1tb HDD.
Lumin T2 as Roon Endpoint in main music room.
Feeding a Mark Levinson 585 integrated via Purist Audio interconnects.
Then out to Spatial Audio TriodeMasters OB speakers via Purist Audio cables.
Total OTT power supply with “The Gate” in the main CB box, feeding my music room via dedicated 20a line to a Synergystic Research Blue Duplex. This feeds a Shunyata Hydra 2 which then feeds a pair of Pangea Octet boxes. All power cables used are Shunyata, a mix of Venom, Anaconda and Python. Crazy, Bat sh!t crazy I know…lmao.
3x Google Chromecast Audio pucks on various lofi systems scattered around the house.

Yes I am beyond all hope or redemption…dont even mention the analog playback gear…

And now I have opened myself up to ridicule too…lol
But as a long time veteran of MANY Audiogon flamewar forum scuffles its of zero concern right here.

In my defense, not that I need any, but all of the power gear was purchased used at very well discounted prices.

Oh and please note the very big difference in my use of terminology, phool and not fool…


It wasn’t directed at you per se, just your question. Always hard to parse sarcasm on the web. But with gear like you list, best put on your rain jacket and hat!

I would think that with what you have assembled, like mine and others, the improvement is additive - it’s not one cable or thing that totally transforms it, but the small increases of each piece that then taken as a whole makes it sound better. I too try and buy my gear at a discount - used, demo, refurbished etc. or DIY what I can. I even have two 20amp dedicated circuits for my main hifi, with Porter Port outlets (currently, probably my next ‘upgrade’ will be Voodoo or Furutech outlets - the Porters will go to the office).




Hi Bruno, I do not doubt that my hearing has deteriorated in the last 25 years, no argument from me, however the nature of the sonic changes when a power cable settles, which take an average of 750 hours, has been utterly consistent. 95% of the changes should be below 13000 Hz, so any hearing loss will not have a bearing. The consistency also point to actual changes, rather than any psychological dynamic. Anyway , you are clearly posting this for your amusement.

Settles? What is it that you think is happening to the cable?


Charles, I agree it is hard to figure out sarcasm online, my English sense of humour maybe not helping ( many say I have no sense of humour but whatever…lol)

At this stage of the game and my life I really care not one jot what others say or think of my choice of gear or decisions, its my money, my system, my ears and my music and if i think it sounds better that is all that matters.
Now i also agree that it is a very cumulative effect rather than one item per se.

Also I have bought items where i clearly have heard a difference but for the worse and they were quickly removed, although that could also surely be an impedance mismatch or as I term it , system synergy or lack thereof.

And for those who might wish to go down the path of poorly designed equipment, give me a break!
Unless you also think that Mark Levinson, Pass Labs, McIntosh, Ayre, BAT etc etc have no idea how to build their gear…

Although not power related the worst change I ever heard was when I decided to try some AntiCables solid copper core speaker cables…ouch, yuk, blarp!
The bass was so overblown and bloated they were truly unlistenable too, I gave them maybe 200 hours but absolutely no change at all so back they went as was a 30 day trial period.

Sowester fastened!

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