Do you sync your local library with Qobuz?

In an effort to get better suggestions from Qobuz, I was thinking of using soundiz to sync my local library to Qobuz. Do any of you do that?
Right now the majority of Roon is local library (929 albums). Qobuz is 204 albums. I was thinking that if the 929 were also in Qobuz, when I go to the Qobuz app, I will get better recommendations.

BUT - I don’t want to mess up my Roon setup - duplicates and all that… syncing may just create a mess that I have to clean up. I find when you do this, it finds different versions of albums and things turn into a mess…

Is there any merit in doing this? Do any of you do this? Am I just overthinking things?

I am not syncing my local collection with either Qobuz or Tidal.

As I tend to stream most of the time over my own ripped FLAC CD’s. Convenience I guess. As I am generally playing the same kind of music Roon’s recommendations are generally spot on.

You’re probably overthinking stuff.

If you sync to Qobuz from any source it will sync back to Roon regardless if your Qobuz account is setup in Roon. This is how it’s designed to hold both streaming and local files as one library, so duplicates are unavoidable. I don’t keep favourites at all anymore as it just messes Roon up when they get changed or removed and I prefer to own albums I want to keep now.

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I know your pain with Qobuz suggestions, I use for suggestions a lot now and they are spot on most of the time. It’s free to use too, just create an account and link it to Roon :+1:

I actually already have one- haven’t used it in years…maybe I will try that - thanks!

yeah, you’re right - I’m overthinking…

is lastfm an active site? I logged in and looking at all their news stories, blogs etc. it’s all old…nothing current

EDIT: never mind, I found their forums and there is recent activity. Just looks like they haven’t kept up with the blogs and such.

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