Does anyone still use a Squeezebox? What are the benefits of using one with Roon?

Is it worth it to buy one? I have always thought about it but I am not sure if it is an essential audiophile tool. Isn’t it similar to WiiM Pro? Is that a more modern way to go?

I have a squeezebox touch and it works great but have never been able to connect it to ROON unfortunately. If it ever gets glitchy 9 times out of ten your controlling laptop needs a restart or the device needs an update download :slight_smile:


I use a Squeezebox Touch, but if I hadn’t had one, I probably would have gotten something that’s still made. I think that’s one of the major problems, that they’re not made anymore. They’re not bad, they’re just not easily available.

The other drawback is that when you do find one in good shape, the seller often wants far too much for it.

I was able to make mine work with Roon, though. I don’t remember exactly how, but I remember it seemed a little fiddly to me.

But what does it do exactly that makes it worth it? Unlike an Amazon Echo Link or the WiiM Pro Receiver?

Well, it was pretty much made to work with the Logitech Media Server, and I think that was the value added. With the LMS, you could add plug-ins to access Spotify and a lot of other streaming services.

At this point, the LMS is maintained by a community effort – Logitech doesn’t really support it as far as I know.

I have no idea about the Amazon Echo Link or the WiiM Pro, so I can’t draw a comparison.

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So it basically streams lossless or lossy music directly from these providers to your speakers. So, it is a value-based receiver / DAC. Oh thus it basically does something similar to the Amazon Link and WiiM. Okay that makes sense, I would say the one major perk is that it is open-source but the Amazon Link and WiiM are brand new and have more resources than the squeezebox so I would look into those if I were you. The WiiM pro is Roon Ready and $150.

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Check this link if you cannot find it:

I use a Squeezebox Touch as a Roon endpoint in a headphone setup. It sounds great and works pretty well. The main benefit for me was the fact I already had the SB Touch on hand when I put together my headphone setup, so I didn’t have to buy another device. Had I not had the SB Touch already, I would have likely gone with one of the Wiim devices.

Unless you really need the touchscreen on the SB Touch, I see no advantage to it.

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No, it’s not “an essential audiophile tool”
It does work well however, i have an old Transporter and a Duet both of which gets some exercise regularly.
They both sound pretty OK, but id say the Transporter is heavily compromised by todays standards, and the Duet absolutely NEEDS a separate DAC.
The transporters VU meters are lovely though!

I have both Squeezebox Touch/Receiver/Radio and WiiM Pro (and Plus). Just go for a WiiM Pro Plus (or Ultra). There are no benefits using a Squeezebox.


I have a Squeezebox Touch and a couple of SB3s. I originally signed up for Roon (lifetime!) because they supported Squeezeboxes, back when Logitech gave up on them. I use my SBT as a bedside clock - as far as I know, there’s nothing that functions as a dumb internet-connected (so, accurate) bedside clock (no need for alarms, weather, etc). Every now and then it crashes and I have to do a factory reset, but when it does my wife and kids all feel a bit lost without it (I’m fine, I can put my phone on nightstand mode but that’s no good during the day!). I can’t be bothered hacking one together from a Raspberry Pi etc. So there’s that - niche - use-case.

They have a reputation as being well-engineered and forward thinking bits of kit. The fact that so many are still knocking around seems to confirm this; they have their fans, but I’m not sure they are an essential audiophile tool!

I don’t really use mine as Roon endpoints and for that purpose I think you can probably save yourself a headache and get something more current.

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I have had a Squeezebox Touch for years and use it with Roon and it works really well that way. Just make sure you are not running the Logitech Media Server at the same time. It is in my living room system and doesn’t get used a lot these days as I have a pricier streamer that is playing there mostly. I bypass it’s DAC running a Lifatek Toslink cable digital out to my preamp. Bought it new years ago and still works great!