New doesn’t mean hip-hop.
I listen mostly to jazz and avant-garde chamber, and the 1001 albums I added this past year from T and Q are almost exclusively that.
The genre is not an element in this discussion.
Seems kind of pointless talking about local libraries, as they are almost certainly a thing of the past.
News yesterday is that Amazon is not re-stocking CDs and LPs. Due to the current emergency, sure, but will they re-start after it? The final nail in the coffin of CDs as digital distribution media?
Maybe people will purchase local music via downloads? The evidence seems to be against it. Hasn’t really seemed to catch on.
The majority of new music is not pop, nor is it hip hop or rap. Stop trying to equate the two together, it’s just a false statement and you are showing your ignorance when you continue to make that equivalence (third time now).
That’s not what you said earlier, but if you are indeed listening to new music, then then good for you for not being lazy.
My table above demonstrated how wrong you continue to be on this matter. Since you continue to repeat this without any valid argument or rebuttal, I’m going to assume your agenda is to make noise and nothing more.
@danny, I respect you and the Roon team immensely, but a few personal thoughts on this:
- Streaming is viable (eg available) in some countries, but not all. I wish that more was available in Canada.
- Some genres are better served than others, at this point.
- In some places, internet bandwidth is still a problem. (Ex. where I am from in rural Alaska, good luck.)
- Some music isn’t available on streaming platforms, or is hard to discover, or is no longer available.
I appreciate that Roon isn’t abandoning local libraries, because they will remain a significant (but maybe less and less material) part of your customers’ Roon experience, at least in the near-term.
Plus, what have you against birds anyway? Successful, beautiful, and a vital part of our world.
Who’s missing from Canada other than Qobuz?
Anyway, my statement is true regardless of the circumstances. Streaming ate the world of music and there is no turning back. Those places without internet access as at a serious economic and cultural disadvantage at the moment. I’m sure they will fix it or suffer the consequences of being left. Music that fails to stream will suffer as well.
But yah, Roon isn’t killing or even ignoring local libraries. That was my entire argument. The fact that we are even talking about this is only due to the repeated accusations by a small number of very noisy individuals.
That said, if one can’t or choses not to stream, I’d hate to be in their shoes. They’re missing out.
There is so much more new music out there that is not Pop Music.
Plenty of which I would call Adult Contemporary that I discovered through live music. This has led me to an endless vein of great new music that often has roots in the old music.
I notice that most of my fav artists really spend a lot of time researching, reflecting and enjoying the music of the past. They take influence from it to create even more.
All this great music is not found in the headlines, commercial radio and TV talent shows I’m afraid. You will find plenty just now on Facebook and other social media with various Lockdown Festivals as the current crisis has completely removed their source of income. Through this medium they have a closer connection to their followers than ever before in history. It’s great when artists actually know who you are and know your name and a little about you. That link is unbreakable, unlike the rise to instant fame on TV that can evaporate in an instant.
Streaming is hereto stay of that there is no doubt , I use it supplement my file library
Ignore streaming at your peril , watch this space JRiver?.
Whether one is using streaming services to discover new music or not is a matter of personal preferences.
Calling this lazy or not open-minded is insulting.
I started my local digital music collection some 15 years ago. I bought a NAS from Linn with all their digital music in high res. Think it was 2005. It cost a fortune back then. The NAS was so loud that you barely could listen to the music when you had it all in one room. So I started networking my house. My collection evolved big time from there.
2013 I started subscribing to Qobuz and I started buying less. Then 2015 came Roon. With the integration of Qobuz into Roon my purchases of digital music dropped by a large fraction.
All my “music discoveries” come from a streaming service nowadays. That changed my “music live” completely. Maintenance of various NAS is a true PITA. Would I have started my “digital” collection back then with all the streaming services available today? The answer is: NO
That’s fine, and you are free to do so, and Roon will continue to support you.
This topic was created because of the repeated incorrect message that we do not support users who have no streaming service in Roon.
But please don’t whine (not saying you do, but others with your position do) when we release great new features that don’t apply to you. Roon has always been for local libraries enhanced by streaming and it will continue to be that.
I never said that. You put words in my mouth and that is insulting.
I said that it’s lazy and not open-minded to think that all new music is bad or “pop”.
What I did say about streaming is: if you do not stream, you are a dinosaur. There is no arguing that the world will evolve past your use case. It’s okay to be a dinosaur, but just don’t whine when the world leaves you behind.
A post was merged into an existing topic: We want your ideas for Playlists!
I’ve cleaned up this thread to stay on topic (does Roon care about non-streamers?). Whether you stream or not is your choice and irrelevant to this thread. The matter is whether Roon cares about non-streamers or not.
I replied to @Speed_Racer only to have a public statement from our team in regards to the noise he and a handful of others are making about how we are not adding any new features applicable to non-streamers.
The reason this thing about non-streamers being dinosaurs came up is because Roon will continue to push forward in interesting ways for streamers faster than non-streamers. This is because the potential is greater with streaming.
I’m guessing that a lot of the noise is from non-streamers who feel left out when they see really cool streaming-only features. Easy solution to that problem: break your personal barriers down and start to stream! No one is saying to get rid of your local content… only to augment it!
Really liking the direction Roon is going with streaming services and agree that’s the future. I’m discovering and exploring more music than what was possible just a few years ago. Also building a broader catalog in my virtual library with Tidal and Qobuz. If you used to buy an album or two a month you can now get millions of albums spending even less with a service like Tidal or Qobuz. There’s no better time to be an audiophile.
Just today I was listening to one of my Pandora channels when a John Mayer song came up and grabbed my attention. I brought up Roon, did a search for John Mayer, and started playing. Simple click to add the album to my collection for future enjoyment.
Roon makes it super easy to do all this. Okay, the Pandora thing doesn’t work in Roon. From my experience Roon+Tidal+Qobuz definitely does not come close Pandora’s recommendation engine with my Pandora stations. Hoping Roon adds Pandora or gets better quickly on that front.
2008’sh – purchased a Slim Devices/Logitech Transporter. Game changing…but only after painfully ripping 100’s of CDs… Frustrating software.
2015 – discovered and started paying for both Spotify and Tidal. AMAZING – the ability to listen and explore so much music still boggles my mind. Integrated Tidal into LMS and that was transformative too, but software still lacked.
2016 – Quick trial of Roon and I purchased a Lifetime Subscription without thinking twice. Just to control the Transporter and replace LMS. And soon came Allo and the Rasberry Pi as Roon Endpoints!
2017-20 – I stopped buying music once I was happy that Tidal was a realistic alternative. Ignored the silly MQA Debate. Overlapped with Qobuz for a bit, and then retired my Tidal Subscription. I keep Spotify also because of the family.
FUTURE? – I can’t believe I am alone in the above scenario, and I bet it is quite common among Roon users. The World of hi-fi music listening had a reckoning with Slim Devices and then another one with Tidal/Qobuz. I no longer purchase any music. I still use Roon – but I would argue the future growth of Roon is about integration and Streaming, and hopefully creating offline mobile device solutions. Again, complete integration.
What I am looking for? Roon should buy Soundiiz or come with a solution for background syncing of playlists within Roon and outside vendors like Qobuz/Tidal. Right now I use Roon for listening and exploring, but use Qobuz and occasionally Spotify for building up playlists, and Soundiiz to keep things synced (helped me end Tidal).
I dunno danny, you could have struck a nicer tone in this thread. As a newcomer in the Roon trial period this isn’t particularly apealing. If you want to be heard, don’t call customers or potential customers dinosaurs, lazy, or closed-minded even if you somehow think they are in the wrong – those kinds of personal attacks are not productive and totally unnecessary. Suggestion: stick to the facts about the features Roon provides, and the goals for future development, and why you think that will appeal to most people. You’ll never please everybody so why try.
I have been collecting music for 60 years and have been digitizing my music collection for 20. Roon tells me I have nearly 7,000 albums. I still add new music of many genres. Roon has increased my enjoyment immensely by providing the metadata for my collection that finally allows me to surf things I forgot I had and find out things about the music I didn’t know.
You have made it clear that if a feature does not benefit streamers, you guys aren’t really all that interested in looking at it. Based on what I quoted, I am guessing we are never going to see “really cool local library-only features”, are we??
You might say that you care about people with large local libraries only. But, most of your words and actions tell me that streaming is what you really care about.
By the way, when I first started using Roon, all you had was Tidal and streaming was not presented as the only or even best way to use Roon. It was just another feature.
Probably not… There’s only so much you can do with files and tags and a limited library of content that is unique to each user. This is what I mean when I say that the future is streaming. We will continue to support files as well as we can, but major innovation will always move towards streaming because that’s where the music is.
As for features like playlists and box sets, those apply to streamers as well because streams can also add streaming content to their library.
Then, either you can’t read or you’re choosing to be stubborn.
We had a working Roon without TIDAL in January 2015. We held up launch until May 2015 until we had TIDAL support. It’s always been there from the start and been a core value of Roon. The fact that you can’t remember the past correctly doesn’t mean you get to rewrite it.
Multiple times I’ve said it’s okay to be a dinosaur. It just means that the product will evolve, like the world, and leave you behind. It’s not an attack, it is reality.
I personally refuse to upgrade Mac OS unless I end up with a new laptop. It also makes me a dinosaur in that regard. But I don’t go whining when Apple does things that only work on their newer operating systems.
As for “lazy and unopened minded”, but if someone thinks that all new/modern music is pop, hip hop, and rap, then I hold my position and repeat that they are lazy and unopen-minded. If that offends someone, tough.
My problem is that these few individuals are derailing conversation on many topics they touch, and when those topics are started by newcomers that have no interest in local libraries, it hurts our business.
So yes, they have struck a nerve with me, and you are hearing it in my tone now.